Independence Daysaster
Independence Daysaster
| 27 June 2013 (USA)
Independence Daysaster Trailers

When Earth is attacked by a hostile alien force, a small town firefighter and a rogue SETI scientist team up to activate the only technology capable of defeating the invaders.

Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Leofwine_draca INDEPENDENCE DAYSASTER is another cheapie sci fi movie that comes to us courtesy of the SyFy Channel. It was made in Canada, which comes as no surprise, and rather than being a straight rip-off of INDEPENDENCE DAY (leave that to The Asylum), this is instead a generic alien invasion movie about Earth being invaded by flying ships and weird spinning metal saucers. Oh, and some stuff comes out of the ground too, after lying dormant for many years.It's a fast-paced bit of film-making for sure, but that doesn't make it any good, just perhaps not quite as bad as some I've seen. The cast of uninteresting characters are led by an actor from FINAL DESTINATION 3 and another actor from AN American WEREWOLF IN Paris. Some pedigree. There's a multitude of CGI effects here and they're not as bad as some I've seen, although hardly the stuff of greatness.
poetrypebbles As a long time fan of disaster movies, even the not so great ones, I wasn't sure what to expect from this one.I thought it was probably a take-off of Will Smith's famous Independence Day. I just bought this copy today and have already watched it twice. It of course, does not compare to the original nor do I think it is supposed to. I actually kind of like it. The actors do a pretty good job. I was never bored and never thought about turning it off. So, that says a lot to me. If you are entertained, then the movie has served its purpose. I was, so it did. I hope you give it a real chance and appreciate it for what it is meant to be.
A_Different_Drummer ... comes one of the worst films you are likely to see in your lifetime, with (amazingly) a clever idea to the script that is totally lost in translation.For the benefit of IMDb members not aware of the dynamic that supports Canadian knockoffs like this: these films exist because and only because of a massive tax subsidy at multiple levels of government in Canada, aided and abetted by a weaker dollar (relative to the US buck) which calls out to US producers in search of higher profits like a Siren Song to Ulysses.The results can be excellent (Eureka) but are mostly horrible. When a film franchise dies in the US, a Canuck producer will buy the rights to a final sequel, a sequel designed to be "in profit" before the cameras even roll.That said, this is an Indedependence Day knockoff done so poorly that it includes lines of dialog (and actors and special effects) that will make you cringe. This is an ADULT film where alien invaders have wiped out all major cities on earth but somehow the earth is SAVED by a bunch of teenage computer hackers in a BARN.What more can I say??? The best performance -- the only credible performance -- is by Merriman. The entire 2 hr film has a total cast of about 7 people in all and the other 6 are forgettable.Is it possible to do a two hour film more cheaply? Clever those Canadians
gavin6942 When Earth is attacked by a hostile alien force, a small town firefighter and a rogue SETI scientist team up to activate the only technology capable of defeating the invaders.By now, you should have it figured out how SyFy works when it comes to movies. You have an end-of-the-world scenario, throw in some scientific jargon that may or may not be entirely accurate... then, somehow, amateurs get involved with a brilliant scientific idea...Does anyone else find it ironic that the film was made in Canada but is about the American independence day? With so many films being made in Canada it might not be strange, but struck me as odd. And why are they making a riff on "Independence Day" about twenty years too late? Very timely, folks.
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