Ice Soldiers
Ice Soldiers
R | 06 December 2013 (USA)
Ice Soldiers Trailers

A scientist discovers the bodies of three frozen genetically modified Russians buried in the Canadian North. Upon thawing them out he realizes he has unleashed a deadly threat to Western society and must stop them at all costs.

Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
dingo865 I recorded this movie on my PVR, thinking it was going to be just another cheapo actioner imitating Asylum's garbage. Planned to fast-forward through the painfully boring parts, and stop by only for the delightfully stupid or violent (nudity was also promised by the warnings, but it turned out to be not female :))....and I ended up watching it from beginning to end. This movie actually has an interesting SF and Cold War premise; several great veterans of acting (Michael Ironside and Adam Beach) and performers I have never heard of before (Camille Sullivan, and Gabriel Hogan whose evil perfection is genuinely captivating), and they all seem to fill out their roles comfortably and believably. The actors manage to make their characters interesting enough that you want to listen to what they say, however banal that sometimes turns out to be. The writer(s) also tried to drag a bit of science and historical 'authenticity' into their story, and the dialogue is pretty decent (sometimes even good) most of the time. On top of all that, the sets are solid (if indubitably inexpensive), there is an excellent use of real life locations, and the effects range from competent to good. This film is not a shoot'em-up actioner, but the action it does have (and when it has it) seems well-paced, and integral to the story. Low-budget, frequently flawed, and somewhat cliché'd (I thought the 'big reveal' at the end was obvious after the first 5 minutes of the film), it is mediocre at best. Considering how many TRULY horrible movies you are flooded with on a daily basis, though, 'Ice Soldiers' is definitely not a bad movie; and it tries in every area - and really hard - not to go out of its way to offend your intelligence. Plus, this is one of perhaps only two or three movies in which Dominic Purcell is actually perfect for the character he plays!
abisio Ice Soldier is really a nice surprise. Well written and with some truly original ideas, the movie keeps the viewers attention for its 90 minutes; and even let you waiting more.Even the acting is different. Dominic Purcell plays his character not as an action hero (no even a very cool person) just somebody very strong (with an agenda), but far from invincible. The rest of the cast do what they can (most of them are dead by the first half of the movie anyway).The fist half is enclosed in an Artic oil station, with snow everywhere; but when things start to become claustrophobic; the second half moves to civilization (really a not very civilized small town); thus lightening the environment.In brief; it is a B movie (far from a masterpiece) but it pretty entertaining.
Levent SALT Okay, it seems that there is no need to give a summary of the movie, since it has already been supplied by other reviewers.To me, the story was quite interesting, but the movie could have been much more better. Elements of an action movie was all around, but there was not much elements of science fiction, although the movie itself is a science fiction movie because of the story.In overall, it is an OK movie that you can enjoy anyway.I want to mention the mistakes that I have noticed: At 29:06, Colonel gives an instruction to Sergeant and Sergeant repeats it to the radio by yelling "You heard the man...". However, there is no way that anybody could have heard the man, because Colonel was not talking to the radio but directly to Sergeant. In fact, throughout the movie, only thing that Sergeant does to repeat Colonel's orders by yelling "You heard the man..." At 01:16:21, super soldier kills all the people in a hall with a single magazine, in automatic suppressive fire mode, which is hardly possible.At 01:18:24, Malraux shoots at the truck carrying super soldiers with a Beretta 92 and hands gun over to TC when he arrives with snowmobile, by saying "You shoot, I'll drive". At 01:18:30, the gun turns into a Glock, which TC collects at the explosives cabin at 01:13:72, just before they get caught by police.
mikevonbach Film starts off slow maybe first 35 minutes.And then action starts the only reason i watched it was because Dominic Purcell starred in it.this actor is a hit and mis star every other film he's in is a flop kind of like Dolph lundgren.I gave it a 7 for a b class movie that no doubt went straight to video.I know that other people will review this flick and scream about how bad it was Just keep in mind that this is a low budget project not meant to compete with syfy like underworld or I Frankenstein. there are no gaps in the storyline although I did spot one phony baloney wee bit of shenanigans at the end in the airport scene.Many science fiction movie fans are sick of all the harry potter magic smoke and mirrors that are in todays films.In closing this is a simple SYFY movie not a magical fantasy film.When you watch syfy you are supposed think Yeah something like that could be possible.And check out the song as they roll the end credits.