Best Night Ever
Best Night Ever
R | 31 January 2014 (USA)
Best Night Ever Trailers

Claire is about to get married and she goes to Las Vegas with her sister and two friends for her bachelorette party. Things quickly spiral out of control.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
kosmasp Found footage has its claws everywhere by now. Even with this comedy, about a group of girls trying to party and celebrate the night before one of them is going to get married. Fittingly (if you want to see it in a positive light) the German title of the movie became "Hangover Girls" (with "added" 3D effects for some odd reason too).Not every joke is hitting the spot (if you'll excuse the pun), but it has some nice drive to it or maybe its the charm of a B-movie that surrounds it. I thought it did well to hide the fact that it didn't have enough money, by making things appear as story elements (we can't go there, because ... something or other). Of course this can be seen as cheap too (which it literally is), but I'm not holding that against it. I've seen worse but obviously also better movies ...
kevymac66 Wow...I've never seen a movie that tries so hard to be funny yet misses every single time. At no point did I laugh, smile, grin, or chuckle. Even worse, it wasn't even the kind of crappy movie that you can laugh at how crappy it is. The funniest part of the last hour and 40 minutes of my life is when I read a reviewer say its a "female hangover with a few more laughs". In order to find this film in any way funny you have to be on whatever drug that aforementioned reviewer was guess is laughing gas, and lots of it. I have literally found two separate funerals I have attended in my lifetime funnier than this movie...FUNERALS!!! (Long story on the funerals)
bbickley13-921-58664 I like movies like Bridesmaids and the To-do List where the girls put it down like the boys in these raunchy comedies. Remembering the time when Lucille Ball and Carol Burnett, put down the slapstick better than their male counter parts. Now we have giants like Kristen Wiig and Melisa McCartney setting the bar high for the ladies that try to follow them.Perhaps a little too high for this late night comedy about four women on a bachelorette party that goes out of control. The film had it's moments, like in a role reversal situation where the girls are penalized for accidentally touching a male stripper, whose becomes offended by it.But the movie still feels like more talk and less action with their attempts to be on the same level of wildness like you would see in the Hangover. In all fairness though it is a direct-to-video B-movie, so how much could they do?The movie's down point was the found footage point of view angle, with one of the ladies always holding a video cam. Whenever this approach is done badly, it really degrades a movie that had potential. The whole movie felt like it was written for dudes to star in but then rewritten poorly to have the roles be female. I give it an A for effort in my book, but there better flicks to watch than this.
gnat100-574-261421 Worst. Movie. Ever. I had high hopes from the trailer but what I found was a pathetic mix up of Hangover, Bridesmaids, and Springbreakers. The acting was awful, the supposed 'handy cam' viewpoint annoying and unrealistic. I only kept watching it out of a dark fascination of how far could their train wreck go. Blood, defecation, sex toys, gratuitous violence, it goes far in all aspects and in extreme bad taste. Nothing humorous at all in this movie unless perhaps you're really into toilet humor. And throughout all the mishaps the girls remained make up and hair perfect with nary a streak of dirt on their clothing. It's completely ridiculous. Save a couple hours of your life that you won't get back and avoid this movie.