R | 04 March 2017 (USA)
Security Trailers

An ex-special services veteran, down on his luck and desperate for work, takes a job as a security guard at a run-down mall in a rough area of town. On his first night on the job, he opens the door to a distraught and desperate young girl who has fled the hijacking of a Police motorcade that was transporting her to testify as a witness in a trial. Hot on her heels is the psychopathic hijacker and his team of henchmen, who will stop at nothing to extract and eliminate the witness.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
v_savas Sure it's not a blockbuster, but still pretty entertaining. The story is simple and the characters make some stupid decisions, but not in a very irritating way. If you're not awaiting for a big blockbuster with a deep storyline and action scenes like in Avengers you'll be entertained. With that in mind I give this movie a solid 7.
kosmasp If you are a fan of Banderas you don't need me to convince you to watch this. On the other hand, you may want to watch his other stuff where the script works better and he has more things to do. On the other hand, if you have a heart for B-Action movies you may find something you like in here. The action is decent, even if ridiculous at points (like one convenient moment where a sniper could've ended it all, but ... well you'll see, if you see the movie).There is strangely enough some dragging time wise, even though the running time is not that long. Just the job thing goes on to long. It's not like any viewer will remember the location or geography of it all. It's nice to have decent actors involved who sell some of the stuff that has to be said. Yes Sir Ben Kingsley, it's you I'm talking about
omnipotentbill You've seen it before many times - damaged soldier down on his luck is in the wrong (right?) place when a large group of bad guys want to kill a witness and he kicks their bottoms.For this film to work you have to believe that a large group of criminals that have just wiped out a groups of US Marshals suddenly become less competent when they come up against a small group of useless and immature security guards simply because out hero is helping the guards. For this film to work you have to believe that in a fire fight between our hero armed with handguns and five bad guys with automatic weapons that he shoots them all. For this film to work you have to believe that on the several occasions the bad guys have to kill our hero that they hesitate.Nevertheless it was quite entertaining.
housess Read the reviews and put it on in the background for some B movie noise... 20mins in I'm planted on the couch engaged as the story unfolds, 40mins in I'm thoroughly enjoying the action. Expectations weren't high after reading a few of the reviews but it held itself well for what it is.Some were relating it to being a "ripoff" of Die Hard and Assault on Precinct 13. Comparing it to two movies over 30 years doesn't make it not worth watching. The story is easy to figure out but wasn't really expecting too much there. The clichés were smoothly entwined amongst some nicely choreographed moves.The movie poster got me here and the action ensured I enjoyed it more than the average B movie. With a $15m budget, it felt like more than just a DTV after half way.Great to see Banderas back to form as it was cringe worthy watching him in the The Expendables 3. At 57 he's looking great and very believable for his role. Some good moves and sequences ensured he kept the bad guys (and the single Token Bad Girl) at bay long enough, despite only using handguns for most of it.Ben Kingsley also had a good turn after seeing him in some pretty average movies. Although his accent (South African to Scottish to Hannibal Lecter to something else) was quite entertaining.Watch it and enjoy!