Ice Planet
Ice Planet
| 01 January 2001 (USA)
Ice Planet Trailers

In the brief period of peace after a terrible war on a far future Earth, an outer-space military academy is attacked by an unknown and unstoppable alien force. The commander, along with a group of newly graduated cadets, escapes to a large research station. Pursued by the aliens, the station jumps through a mysterious hyperspace gateway that sends them to a planet in an unknown part of the universe.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Micransix Crappy film
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
mvanzwam Yes, indeed, the acting is abominable and some of the characters are corny, and some of the takes take the speed out of the proceedings.... yes, this is all true, BUT:The handful of clues (hopefully not RED herrings) strewn throughout the movie gave me the hope that this one - at last - would be the dreamed SciFi movie to top all other movies in the field of such intriguing questions as: "Where does mankind come from?" And WHY? "are there others out there in the vast universe?" "Do we - both individually and as mankind - have a mission to complete, and - if so - what is it?" "will all questions mankind ever had be answered someday?"I would like to know more about Ice Planet and of course I have a burning question: "will this movie ever be followed up by a complete series?" If anyone knows more about it, please, answer.
Claudio Carvalho In an undefined future, the human race is attacked by some alien force and Earth planet is destroyed. The military and civilian crew of a space base become the survivals of the human race, escaping before the attack in a state-of-art spacecraft to an unknown coordinates in the universe, following direct orders of Senator Jeremy Uvan (Reiner Schöne). They arrive in a mysterious ice planet through a hyperspace gateway, and they are informed that the project of the spacecraft and the coordinates were informed by an unknown alien race. They fight against the enemy and begin life in a new world. "Ice Planet" is a confused collection of many sci-fi movies. There are battles, like in "Star Wars", the military and civilian humans wear costumes and look like the characters of "Star Trek" and escapes like in "Galactica", a spacecraft is built to get people to a new world, like in "Contact" and so on. The problem is the horrible screenplay, where the characters are badly developed, the situation of the war between humans and aliens is not explained and there is no connection between the most important elements of the plot. This film seems to be a pilot movie of a series, and probably in the middle of the shooting, the budget was cut, becoming a huge patch of scenes already shot. At least this was my impression. In the end, "Ice Planet" is a watchable and forgettable German Sci-fi B-Movie, indicated only for fans of this genre for killing time in a rainy night. My vote is five.Title (Brazil): "Planeta do Gelo" ("Ice Planet")
tata_lu_stefan_cel_mare Well, not probably, but surely the WORST movie EVER! I can't believe it. The thought of people paying to see this piece of crap sends a chill down my spine... The story is, well, lame, about the race that threatens the human kind, and the chosen few who save the day. The special effects look cheap (I personally think that the special effects in this movie were created using MS PAINT... They couldn't be worth more than 20$),not to mention that the actors' performance is weak.Don't do make the same mistake I made. If you have to choose between seeing this movie, and stapling your eye lids to a rally car, staple your eye lids...
Fahrenheitz Oh my God! I have never seen anything like this before. The actors are the best thing about this movie - and they perform like high school kids on too much caffeine. The plot is quaint and dosn't really lead anywhere. The whole movie progresses slowly with lots of pointless chit chat and keeps feeding the viewer with questions without ever providing any answers. Big parts of the story makes no sense and seem to be there only to show off special effects - which BTW would seem outdated 15 years ago. This movie is a complete and utter waste of time!