The Day the Earth Caught Fire
The Day the Earth Caught Fire
| 01 November 1961 (USA)
The Day the Earth Caught Fire Trailers

British reporters suspect an international cover-up of a global disaster in progress... and they're right. Hysterical panic has engulfed the world after the United States and the Soviet Union simultaneously detonate nuclear devices and have caused the orbit of the Earth to alter, sending it hurtling towards the sun.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Claudio Carvalho After the explosion of nuclear bombs by the United States and the Soviet Unions, the weather in London and in the rest of the world changes. The Daily Express alcoholic reporter Peter Stenning (Edward Judd) meets the telephonist Jeannie Craig (Janet Munro), they fall in love with each other and have a love affair. When Jeannie overhears a conversation, they learn that the explosions have altered by 11 degrees the Earth nutation, changing its orbit. Now the only chance to mankind is to explode bombs again so that the rotation shaft returns to its position. Will Earth be saved or doomed?"The Day the Earth Caught Fire" is a disaster movie with an interesting storyline and an ambiguous conclusion. Peter Stenning is a non-likable character and his behavior betraying his girlfriend is the weakest part of the story. The conclusion with the newspaper showing two front pages written "World Saved" and "World Doomed" is fantastic. My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "O Dia em Que a Terra se Incendiou" ("The Day the Earth Caught Fire")
john_vance-20806 I've watched this a number of times and always enjoy it. I must admit that I had a crush on Janet Munro that started with the "Horsemasters" Disney series but it's more than just her.The science is by far the weakest aspect of the film. In summary it's annoyingly implausible. Nuclear weapons are indeed powerful, but that a couple of bombs could tilt the Earth and change its orbital path should elicit a "Hmmm" even for those with little science background. But that weakness is more than compensated by just about everything else. The acting is top-notch. The crusty journalist role is played by Leo McKern flawlessly. Edward Judd is believable as the talented columnist whose career and life have been derailed by marital failure and alcohol. I don't care whether Janet Munro is good or not, I'll watch her all day long - her premature death was a loss to the industry. The re-created atmosphere of the frantic newspaper business is excellent. I don't know how it really works but it sure convinced me. It was intensely demanding and competitive, portraying the kind of place where only the most talented and motivated professionals can thrive.The grimness of the deteriorating environmental conditions may be the most compelling component in this film. The matte work is sub-par, but the misery of the common people shambling listlessly through the heat and dealing with rapidly dwindling resources is captured very nicely. You can imagine yourself there trying to survive while knowing there's not much future for you. I have no complaints about this film and though it's not cinematic genius it is very well put together. Definitely worth a watch.
Leofwine_draca Hammer man Val Guest directed this predictable disaster movie, which has the same basic premise as NIGHT OF THE BIG HEAT, except on a much grander scale (as portrayed via some choice stock footage). In a way it's a throwback to the '50s atomic monster movies, as the disaster turns out to be the direct result of nuclear testing.On the plus side there is an intelligent script, which gives realistic impressions of the public's reaction to the news that they may only have days left to live (rioting breaks out in one area of London) and solid performances from Edward Judd as the dashing reporter hero and a youthful-looking Leo McKern (THE OMEN) as a stuffy but friendly newspaper editor. The realism and tension in this film is the best thing about it - but unfortunately, it sometimes becomes too realistic. I would have preferred a little bit more science fiction thrown in.Unfortunately the excitement is greatly diminished by a dull romance between Judd and Munro, which I could quite happily have done without. Romance has been done a million times before and this time was no different. Also, action fans should look elsewhere, as the only exciting sequence is one where Judd has to rescue his girlfriend from a group of water-crazy teenage delinquents, and one gets knocked down a lift shaft in a comic moment.There is some interesting (if cheap-looking) effects work from Les Bowie (also from the Hammer stable) to add considerably to things, but in the end the central premise is enough to carry the film through and it's an intelligent speculation of what could happen if we're not careful when dealing with Mother Nature.
tomgillespie2002 When Earth starts to experience strange changes in the weather and a rapidly increasing temperature, down-in-the-dumps Daily Express journalist Peter Stenning (Edward Judd) is given the investigation. Science correspondent Bill Maguire (Leo McKern) seems to think that simultaneous nuclear tests by the U.S. and the Soviet Union have knocked the Earth off it's axis, causing it to drift closer to the sun. Stenning is snooping around the Met Office looking for answers when he meets young telephone operator Jeannie (Janet Munro) who may have unwillingly stumbled upon the truth. Meanwhile, with the temperatures increasing at an unbearable rate, the government starts to ration supplies, including the nation's water.I must admit that upon getting a copy of this, I was expecting a stiff- upper-lipped and cheesy British sci-fi full of dodgy effects and predictable plot devices. How wrong I was. If this film could be compared to any other, it would have to be All The President's Men. It is very rare that a film manages to capture the sweat, stress and panic of the newsroom where the workers gather round for quick meetings and discussions before franticly typing up a new story and making those all- important phone calls. And the decision to tell the whole story from the viewpoint of the Daily Express workers is a refreshing and exciting one.The hero is not a bland, square-jawed cheeseball that was common in the sci-fi films of the 50's and 60's, but a borderline alcoholic who is struggling with the separation from his wife and the fact that his boss gives him all the bottom-shelf stories. And he is played with utter conviction by Edward Judd. In fact, the acting is impressive all-round - Leo McKern is solid as the reliable workaholic who seems to be one step ahead of everybody else, and Janet Munro is sweet, interesting and sexy as the innocent girl who seems to be somehow caught up in everything. The film has a quite shocking level of flesh on display too, and if you're perverted or simply lonely enough, I'm sure you could even catch a nipple if you freeze-frame the DVD. (Not that I did it!)As a Cold War sci-fi, the film could work as double-bill alongside the truly perfect The Day The Earth Stood Still. Although it differs in tone and subject matter, it still has the underlying feeling of paranoia that plagued sci-fi films of the time, and allowed for some of the greatest films of the genre to be produced. The threat of nuclear war was lingering in everybody's mind (I assume, I know it would if I was there) and the end of the world was all too believable and possible. This is a criminally underrated film - beautifully filmed (the sun-kissed sepia opening is simply gorgeous); a script that any Oscar-winner would be proud of; and has an ending so bleak and unresolved it deserves a place amongst the very best. Simply great sci-fi