Madea's Witness Protection
Madea's Witness Protection
PG-13 | 29 June 2012 (USA)
Madea's Witness Protection Trailers

For years, mild-mannered Wall Street banker George Needleman has meandered through life oblivious to his family's dysfunction and his company's malfeasance, but he's forced to wake up when he learns that he's been framed in a mob-backed Ponzi scheme. Placed under federal protection, George and his family are shipped down South to Madea's house, where the no-nonsense matriarch whips them all into shape using her special brand of tough love.

JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
tinydancernbt Once again, Tyler Perry writes a really comedic movie but this movie was different than his other titles. Most of his movies have a heartfelt storyline behind them with a load of comedy making the movie 2 hrs long and the audience does not mind that, but in this movie lacks structure of the storyline and kept it basic leaving Madea with her funny moments for 2 hours. A comedy should not be two hours. Also, the characters in the movie seem to lose there edge as the movie goes on. And the ending feels to me like it had some irrelevant things added to it. Just to let you know this movie will seem longer than it should be because its more of a hysterical comedy than a heartfelt drama.
Benjamin Black I was amazed when I saw the trailer for this film and the cast came up! Eugene Levy! Doris Roberts! Romeo Miller! Tom Arnold! John Amos! Marla Gibbs! WOW! That was amazing! I saw the movie on DVD, and I was very impressed! This is a totally different take for Tyler Perry, and for a Madea movie! It was pretty good! I really like this movie! This is the first straight comedy by Tyler Perry, and this movie is funny! The Needleman family find themselves victims of a Ponzi scheme, and they have to stay undercover in the most unlikely place where anyone would find them: Madea's house. A White Jewish family now has to stay with Madea and Joe for a while. That alone is hilarious! While that's going on, we see a subplot where the matriarch of the Needleman family, Barbara, had a rendezvous with Joe many years ago, and now Joe may be George Needleman's father. I love this subplot! It is funny as all get out! You can't imagine the jokes that come out of this situation! It's really good! On top of that, it has a nice moral about valuing your family. The lesson is different here in the sense that it's something you just have to take. No one really says anything about it. My sister keeps complaining that she doesn't see a moral here; I can see why she says that, but in all truthfulness there is a moral in this movie.I would be lying if I said there isn't anything in this film I dislike. There are 3 things that really bother me in this movie. First of all, Romeo can't act. I'm sorry. I really like Romeo! He's such a positive person, and I love the work he and his father does to promote education and positivity in the hip-hop culture...but the man can't act. I didn't even think he could act back when he had his own show on Nickelodeon all those years ago. Secondly, WHERE WAS MARLA GIBBS IN THIS MOVIE?!? I was really excited to see her, and she was on screen for 30 seconds! WHAT?!? This bothers me because Marla Gibbs is a legend! She's paved the way for so many people, and she's done so much in the entertainment business! And, besides, she's in a Madea movie! The two are really funny - could you imagine the possibilities of those two together? But no, she has that quick moment as Madea and the children leave for school. But, oh wait, there's one other moment we see her again: at the end when there's a shot of the congregation in church. She's standing in the front row. But you wouldn't know she's there unless someone told you! WHERE'S THE REST OF HER?!? Why cut all her scenes out?! OK, here's my last problem with the movie: I think that the entire has a pretty good pace and runs pretty smoothly...until the last fifth of the film. From the time Madea gets dressed to the time George meets with Brian in his office, it moves pretty slowly. We see every event that takes place with the characters: they go through airport security, they get on the plane, they fly to New York, they go to their hotel room, they drive to where Madea's supposed to get the money - it's just way too slow! There are some funny moments that come out of some of these scenes, but they do move pretty slowly.On top of that, I think the element of using the "Ghost" movie is kind of a cop-out. I liked where the story had led us to, but then its way out of the situation comes through another movie. And with that, the ending isn't as suspenseful as I was hoping it would be. I would have accepted the slower pace if it was leading up to something suspenseful. Madea spends hours in the office getting this money, and she asks for the 13 accounts instead of the 12...but it's not suspenseful. She goes in, and she comes out. The deed is done, and we move on to the resolution of the movie. Yeah, I wish it was so much more than that.Those are my only problems with the movie. But, despite those things, I still love this movie. The stuff that's good outweighs the stuff that doesn't work. It's new, it's different, and it's funny! I really enjoy this movie! I enjoy it, and you should too! BOOYIKA!
Chris L. You know, Tyler Perry is a excellent business man. He is an okay play writer. However, he falls short when it comes to movies. My step-dad and I say that all the time. I saw Madea's Witness Protection yesterday with my grandmother for like a little movie night at our church. Let me be the first to say if no one has already... It was very boring and predictable. Now, it had some funny moments in the movie. Im not going to spoil anything, but it will make you laugh every once in a while. But please... do not spend your hard earned money to rent this movie!!! The little laughter you will have is not even worth a dollar from the red box. The story was dry and very mediocre.
theauntsavant You wouldn't have been remiss if initially chalking this one up to yet another done-to-death clichéd run-of-the-mill black church gets saved from the brink of disaster mediocre comedy, if not for the main theme of Madea's Witness Protection. Then the subplot of the church being in a pinch becomes less consequential to the larger premise, serving only to bring the storyline full circle.The culture clash angle provided by the unwanted house guests Madea's paid to house, who've outstayed their welcome and tried Madea's patience, gives it mainstream appeal beyond (director and star) Tyler Perry's core fan base. Loved for her wit and strong spiritedness equaled by her moral convictions, Madea embodies the archetypal matriarchal figure in many African-American families.More than mildly amusing, it's still no surprise that it ends on a similar note with their house of worship—a major pillar and staple in the black community—getting spared from impending doom, thanks to Madea's quick thinking intervention. Black churches are a natural point of reference, central focus and source of inspiration for screenwriters, novelists and playwrights of color. And Hollywood, or in Perry's case, Georgia (where his studio is located), loves a clean finish unless there's a planned sequel in the offing or a prequel, given the huge potential profitability of movie franchises. Feeding our pop culture obsession, his blatant referencing of Titanic, the Golden Girls, the View, the Bates Motel in Psycho, the Jacksons, Tyra Banks and Bernie Madoff, peppered throughout the dialogue, make the movie relatable. Madea steals an idea right out of Ghost, taking a cue from Whoopi Goldberg's character in the film. And having co-starred in "Bringing Down the House", Eugene Levy is no stranger to working in predominantly black casts. There's a real talent to being funny without being offensive. And Perry's Madea wonderfully manages a good balance, which doesn't offend even while making light of sensitive topics like racism, bi-racial heritage, class snobbery, divorce, step-parenting and serious timely issues including the Ponzi scheme and crimes against the elderly...all done flippantly for the best affect. But the message comes through.Perry works it all into this, one of his better comical adventures: a light-hearted cautionary tale played strictly for laughs.
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