Good Deeds
Good Deeds
PG-13 | 23 February 2012 (USA)
Good Deeds Trailers

For all his life, wealthy businessman Wesley Deeds has done what's expected of him and has settled into a predictable routine. His scripted life begins to change, however, when he meets Lindsey Wakefield, a struggling single mother who works as a night janitor for his corporation and has just been evicted. He offers to help Lindsey get back on her feet and, though he's already engaged, romantic sparks begin to fly. Suddenly, he finds himself torn between what is expected of him and what he really wants.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Katrina Ess This was honestly one of the best movies I've ever seen, to be honest. I both laughed and cried during the movie. The storyline was emotional - funny, sad, relatable and heart-wrenching at once. The storyline was very well acted out and the main characters did very well. I wasn't a big fan of Tyler Perry before but he did extremely well with this. The film leaves you on edge until the final scene and touches on a lot of everyday issues within relationships. It is definitely a sad movie but also a feel good film. I highly recommend this.
Lucas Gunnarson I must I did enjoy the first 30 min of this movie. Good acting and the story even thou it didn't seem like nothing new, it had potential but that fell short after they didn't do much to develop the story on most of the characters. I did think Tyler Perry did a good job in this one, but towards the end, no actor could save the predictable and embarrassing morale of this story.If you're home in the afternoon, had your wisdom teeth taken off and there's NOTHING else going on on TV, you'll probably enjoy a scene or two in this movie, but there's nothing new/special or surprising in it.Thanks for reading.
evhg802 It used to be that Tyler Perry made movies that were about the hope and help there is in God. But there was always an element in his movies that bothered me: part of the solution to becoming happy and whole always involved dumping your boyfriend/husband/girlfriend/wife and getting a new one.Now, in this movie, there is no longer any Christian pretense. All that's left is Tyler Perry's one true theme: "To be happy, you need a new love interest." At least in his previous movies, the dumped love interests were abusive in some way. But in this movie, oddly named "Good Deeds," Perry's love interest has done nothing wrong. Instead, she's a virtual angel who lets him off the hook by saying, "We're not ready to get married," all because their relationship had become predictable and boring, especially in comparison to Perry's more exciting relationship with his new love interest.So if you go to Tyler Perry movies to be inspired or uplifted, I would recommend skipping this movie, and being cautious in the future, because it seems like every movie is worse than the last.
bniler Firstly the Title of the movie is "GOOD DEEDS" Wesley Deeds inherited company from his father after his death. Wesley Deeds CEO of the company, was portrayed in the beginning of this movie to be responsible, merciful, long-suffering, honorable, tenderhearted, and respectful (mind you these good qualities were instilled in him I would guest by his father). On the other hand, his brother Walter Deeds who envied Wesley Deeds, was portrayed to be irresponsible (to the point where he could not even keep a driver license), vengeful, dishonorable, unkind, unmerciful, and he always seemed angry. So called "Good Deeds" 1)After being insulted by Lindsey at the parking garage, after she occupying a parking space reserved for Wesley. Instead of letting her car be towed away, he gave her a break.In this same seen it showed deep character contrast between Wesley Deeds and his brother Walter Deeds. In that seen Walter Deeds cursed Lindsey, call tow truck to tow her vehicle away, when she plead for her vehicle to be released, he mocked her. 2)Wesley Deeds also work late nights as CEO making sure the Company stayed sound and competitive. 3)His fiancé trusted him so much she knew if he was not with her he was at work. 4)In another part of the movie Wesley Deed witness Child Services taking Lindsay's child away because she was living in her vehicle, due to an eviction. Wesley Deeds seeing this decided to let her stay in one of the Company Corporate apartment rent free with her child. Until she's able to be financially sound.There is more so called good deeds of Wesley Deeds throughout this movie. Not only that, he is always a good example to his brother(who is considered to be irresponsible), mother, and fiancé, up to the point nearing end of the movie. This where I found this movie to be very offensive. Too summarize it all: my dad sacrificed to help me be who i am right now, who i am right now; is showing forth that sacrifice. I come to a revelation. I do not want to sacrifice like my dad did for me, but I want to do my own thing. And put all my dad's labor and sacrifice in another man's hand. What a stupid concept to even ponder. Moreover, leave my beautiful trusting fiancé for another women who has insulted me from the very start of seeing her. Wow!Tyler Perry are you kidding me. Misguided and confusing nothing glorious about Mr. Evil Deeds actions.