The Love Letter
The Love Letter
| 01 February 1998 (USA)
The Love Letter Trailers

20th century computer games designer Scott, Civil War buff, buys an antique desk from that era and, while polishing it, he discovers a secret compartment in which sits an unmailed letter--a letter written by a young poet named Lizzie over a century earlier. Touched by her yearning for passion, he writes her back, egged on by his mystically inclined mother. Magically, his letter reaches Lizzie and they begin a correspondence that threatens Scott's impending marriage but promises to bring fulfilment to Lizzie. Spanning the Civil War to the present, the perils of Lizzie's war-torn situation threaten her safe passage into the future. Will their love endure the test of time?

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
cantileb This movie, The Love Letter" is one of my all time favorite television favorites. I really loved it...This movie had everything in a plot that I like in a movie...romance, history, and a mysterious twist..what more could one ask for? Additionally, the direction, acting, and dialogue was great. Campbell Scott and Jennifer Jason Leigh are such amazing actors. Although made in 1998, I only first saw the movie on television last year, but I bought a copy and have enjoyed it ever since. As I say, it ranks up there as one of my all-time favorite television romantic movies. I would love to see Hallmark make more of these types of romantic dramas as opposed to the real sappy ones they have been making lately.
firegirl7778 Just watched this movie for the first time, and it was just so romantic. From the way it was filmed to the period costumes, all so magical is the word that comes to mind. It touched my heart to see two people intertwined with each other, yet not able to connect physically in the same world. This was such a different concept, that's why I really loved it. Wish more movies were made this way,instead of the crap out there. I always know I will enjoy a Hallmark movie, they give me such pleasure to watch them. The performance of Campbell Scott and Jennifer Jason Leigh, you couldn't have picked better actors. They were so right on in there feelings for each other. So true to life.Great performances by Campbell and Jennifer, along with the rest of the cast. Once again congratulations on a truly beautiful movie, which is and will always be one of my favorites to watch, I;m sure as well as many women around the world.Nancy
angelknpenny I'm not sure I believe anyone that says they like romance, but does not this movie. Is it a little sappy? Yes. Is it unbelievable? Yes. Are Elizabeth's poems a bit treacly? Yes And you know what? Who cares?! It is a very sweet and gentle story. It does remind of an old- fashioned movie, feelings of passion and attraction without flinging everyone into a sexual romp. I also like movies about sexual attraction, but this is a refreshing change. People falling in love with a kindred spirit is unbelievably exciting in its own way.As to some feeling that it is a betrayal for Scotty to feel attraction for Beth at the end of the movie, I heartily disagree. Scotty, very unselfishly helped inspire Elizabeth to escape a vile suitor and loveless marriage; he also helped her find Caleb Denby one last time. I think it's fitting that Elizabeth's spirit helps Scotty find 'a love that burns" at the end.And, to those that slam Elizabeth's poetry as unrealistic and sappy, stop speaking of that which you do not understand. 19th century poetry is often overwrought with emotion and symbolism. In that sense, it is not anachronistic, but very authentic. Read a book sometime!Lastly, this is hot tea and comfy throw on a cold winter afternoon fare. Enjoy it for what it is! I know I will again.
rpj-3 This is a fantastic fantasy film. I especially enjoyed Jennifer Jason Leigh's acting. I think her mannerisms and speech patterns were right on for the time period she was portraying. Her move to a modern woman at the end just amazed me. Her acting ability is tops.Campbell Scott's love for her was clearly evident, even though there was no interaction between them for most of the movie. Stellar acting on his part also.The story was quite logical for fantasy and was easily followed.I only wish there was someplace to retrieve the poem from the movie if indeed it was more than just the one line "Stranger, not on this earth shall we meet..."I can't say enough good things about this film. I have watched it several times and enjoyed it more each time.
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