Hot Pursuit
Hot Pursuit
PG-13 | 08 May 1987 (USA)
Hot Pursuit Trailers

Young Danny is following his rich girlfriend's family to the Caribbean. But suddenly he simply must make a chemistry test and cannot go with them. After they have left, he gets a leave from his professor and takes a plane to find them. But he is not quite sure where they are, and meets smugglers, crazy captains and murderers.

Micitype Pretty Good
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
wesleywisejr Male/Born 1983/Detroit, Mi.I am very disappointed with the lack of support on IMDb for this movie. I will admit I was very young when I first saw Hot Pursuit, but I recently watched it for the first time in many years and loved it all over again. It's a non-stop adventure with a ton of laughs, great characters, and an interesting story. It features Cusack in the prime of his young career and Ben Stiller before he was Ben Stiller.I described the movie to a friend of mine as a comedy/adventure that kinda turns into a watered down Rambo flick...but in my opinion it works really well and is probably my favorite Cusack flick. I recently saw Better Off Dead for the first time and thought it was pretty good, but it's amazing to me that this Cusack movie doesn't carry more of a fan base.Unfortunately, you may have a hard time finding this flick in the rental stores. I think I paid $8 for a new copy on Amazon, but this movie is definitely worth the buy. It will be one that you can watch over and over!!
LivewireT OK. Check this out. I am not a critic by any means...I really don't even like movies all that much (well, today's movies). However, this is a movie that I remember having strong feelings for. This is my FAVORITE movie of all time...It came on HBO and I can't find it anywhere. I love the soundtrack...I even remember the songs. This is an adventure action type movie--that's the type I like, I guess. And a comedy at times. I do believe there is one shocking scene with a dead body or something...but nothing too bad. This movie deserves more credit that it gets. Oh, BTW this is my first post here on IMDb. Yeah, that's how much I like this movie.
wardcullum The consensus opinion on Hot Pursuit seems to be that the first half is superior to the second half. While I enjoyed this film a lot, I can't argue with the opinion. The tone changes in the middle, and the second half is just not as much fun, though I would still recommend the film as a whole.John Cusack's character is the focus of this film, and he does his part in carrying the load. His character is preparing for a dream, tropical vacation with his girlfriend and her family, but he learns that he must stay at school after failing an exam. His professor lets him off easy, and he races after his girlfriend, but he misses his flight by a hair. From there, he proceeds to spend the film trying to catch up with the girlfriend and family, trailing just behind as he enlists "local color" to help in his quest.In the film's second half, the chase grows darker and more serious, and that's where some may find the film not as rewarding. A lot of the 80s era "chase" cliches find their way into Hot Pursuit at this point. The film does eventually recapture its earlier tone, however, and I found the end quite satisfying.Hot Pursuit provided some noteworthy supporting performances as well. Robert Loggia was solid as a crusty old seaman with whom Cusack spends time in the course of his misadventures. Also look for Ben Stiller (with father Jerry) in his first film role. 7/10
gridoon Formulaic, uninspired but painless teen comedy. It's the typical formula where the young hero encounters every imaginable object as he tries to get to his (constantly changing) destination; thanks to his wits, and to pure luck, he overcomes all of them. This film shares with many 80s comedies ("Stripes" comes to mind) the bad habit of turning into an action film halfway through, but the beautiful locations (beautifully photographed) keep it pleasant enough. (**)