Getting Lucky
Getting Lucky
| 31 December 1989 (USA)
Getting Lucky Trailers

School nerd Bill just wants to save the world and to score a date with cheerleader babe Chrissie Schackler. Both become real possibilities when he finds an alcoholic Leprechaun in a beer bottle he was about to recycle. Wacky hijinks ensue as the leprechaun, Lepkey, messes up a few of the wishes. Can Bill fight off school jock Tony Chanuka and marry Chrissie so they can fulfill their dream of opening a clinic?

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
lazarillo I love socially irresponsible teen comedies from the 80's, and to my mind, the cheesier, the more low-budget, and the more unknown the cast, the better. This Troma-distributed nonsense is about a typically overaged high school loser (actually a typically good-looking actor with glasses and a bad haircut) who lusts after a pretty cheerleader. He finds a drunk leprechaun in an empty beer bottle who grants him three wishes (I thought it was genies who did that?)and uses them to try to get the girl. However, his three wishes quickly turn into a Monkey's Paw scenario as the incompetent genie, I mean leprechaun, fouls everything up.This is a typically raunchy movie. But it's not raunchy in a funny way for the most part, but instead it's raunchy in the most random, bizarre way imaginable. Like other reviewers, I probably first saw this on "USA, Up All Night", but since that was network TV, they certainly would have had to cut out the most show-stopping scene here where the hero quite literally gets into his crush's panties as he finds himself, courtesy of the incompetent leprechaun, shrunk to a few millimeters and crawling around in her pubic hair, inadvertently bringing her to a loud orgasm as she sits in class! People were impressed years later when Spanish film auteur Pedro Almovodar did a similar thing in a fantasy sequence in "Talk to Her". Well, this piece of wonderfully fragrant, steaming celluloid crap had already been there and done that! Of course, the special effects here (with "special" in this case used in the same way that it is in "Special Olympics") are ridiculously unconvincing, but at least the whole thing does culminate in a mass female shower scene.I can't say the much good about the acting, including the miscast lead Steven Cooke or the the actor playing the leprechaun, whose drunkenness might have been a convenient way to explain why he couldn't even maintain a convincing Irish brogue. The girl, one Lezlie McCraw, was never in anything else before or since this movie, and obviously didn't maintain much dignity here, but she strangely seems to have used a body double for most of her nude scenes, which serves to make this movie even more disjointed and weird. Still, I liked this better than many much more high-profile teen sex comedies like "Risky Business" (and at least it isn't responsible for loosing Scientologisy extraordinaire Tom Cruise on the world). This is OK I guess.
Woodyanders Sweet, but clumsy and hapless nerd Bill Higgins (a likable portrayal by Steven Cooke) befriends drunken leprechaun Lepkey (an irritatingly hearty turn by Gary Kluger, who speaks in a horribly fake overdone Irish accent), who helps Bill win over the favor of his cheerleader dream girl Krissi Schackler (tasty long-haired blonde dish Lezlie Z. McGraw). However, arrogant macho jock Tony (badly overplayed to the obnoxious hilt by buff hunk Rick McDowell) doesn't take it lightly that Bill wants Krissi for his own. Writer/director Michael Paul Girard maladroitly covers all the essential so-wrong-they're-paradoxically-right craptastic low-budget schlock flick bases: crummy acting from a game, but lame no-name cast, tin-eared dialogue, crude and leering jokes about such things as sex, condoms, and losing one's virginity, lousy (far from) special effects, a few dippy romantic musical montages, one-note cardboard characters, a truly off-the-wall last third, clunky cinematography, and, most importantly, a gloriously ludicrous "you gotta be kidding me!" premise that comes complete with the inevitable dopey surprise ending. Best and most gut-busting protracted dumb gag: Bill finds himself trapped in Krissi's panties after Lepkey accidentally shrinks him down to miniature size. Moreover, there's also the token obligatory yummy gratuitous girls' locker room shower set piece and a cool'n'bouncy soft-rock soundtrack. A hilariously horrendous hoot and a half.
bubbles25 There are really bad movies, and movies that are so bad they are just great, and this is one of those movies. After seeing all the not so good comments i feel i have to stick up for this movie. The story is stupid, the acting is terrible, the plot doesn't exist, but it all makes for one really funny movie, and i get the feeling this was at least partly intentional. I've got it on DVD, maybe it has been edited for TV, some of the really funny bits are also comments that can be hard to hear. And anyone who didn't like anything about this movie must have skipped the credits, if you do see this movie make sure you read the credits all the way through, they had me in tears.
Gabmit A great film that needs to be reproduced. A hard movie to find, if you get a hold of it you will be in for a treat. The shrinking sequence is great!! A movie the whole family can enjoy