Fire Twister
Fire Twister
| 06 August 2015 (USA)
Fire Twister Trailers

Environmental activist Scott is accidentally involved in a bomb attack on a fuel storage facility. The gigantic explosion unleashes a roller of fire that rolls towards Los Angeles. Desperate, Scott and his colleagues want to save the city. But for the media they are considered to be the culprits - who will soon be hunted by killers ...

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
YouHeart I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
eron-66006 While this movie isn't as hot as your average summer blockbuster, it doesn't suck as much as some of the other wanna-be disaster movies out there either. You can judge how good or bad the effects are by the look of the fire. It doesn't interact enough with the characters, that's a big negative, but it doesn't look like a cartoon either. The practical effects worked pretty well here too...the really bad movies can't pull that off either. Some of the plot is actually funny and well written. I kind-of missed all the puns and obviously lame jokes that some of those other tornado movies throw out there, but this movie tried to walk that fine line between ridiculous and fun and exciting, and I thought it did pretty good. When you watch a lot of bad movies for fun it's easier to see how they stand out or fail in their own way. If you watch this movie just don't expect a well funded flick. Expect a goofy knock-off and you'll see it's good enough to hold your attention through to the end.
Michael Ledo Someone said, "I can create a CG fire twister, let's make a film about it." Not as good as the shark idea, but it has Casper Van Dien, who hasn't saved the planet in a "B" movie in nearly a month. A fire twister is let loose on LA (the facts aren't important) and Scott (Van Dien) is the only man who can stop it...and that scientist guy (Jeff Clarke). Scott has a crew of Warm Earthers with him as they drive around in a bullet resistant Ford (The Unstoppable) with the gang that couldn't shoot straight on their tail. Scott is a former LA fireman which means he is part Navy Seal and part chemical engineer.This film had one of the worst escape scenes I have seen in a long time.The film is described as "When a mysterious orb of light strikes a deep water oil rig, the massive explosion erupts into a ball of flames creating a swirling mass of clouds and fire."That is not this film.The kids might like it, or hate you for making them watch it. Made for US TV.
Keith Pangilinan I came across this Casper van Dien motion picture at Wal-Mart with the intent to find a really crappy disaster to watch & it pretty much was what I expected it to be. As a fan of "Mystery Science Theater 3000," this was pretty much not unlike the cinema the show has screened, & I'm pretty sure the observatory was also the same one in the comedy's "Teen-Age Crime Wave" episode. Van Dien was just one of two actors I recognized; the man playing the corrupt executive of whoever made the super-fuel or something was Joe Regalbuto, & has seriously aged since doing "Murphy Brown" 2 decades since. The SFX made me laugh each time I saw it; the good guys basically unleash what really should be just a mere blaze but turns out to be a 21st century version of the spinning inferno from "The Ten Commandments" that just moves about wreaking fiery havoc on Los Angeles. I was hoping the DVD had Spanish subtitles as I prefer not following the story listening to the dialogue to a movie I superficially watch. Nope, the DVD only had a trailer & I watched it on muting but I didn't miss much. Again, it's a ragtag bunch of misfits battling a monster fire & the villains who made it led by Van Dien, whose hair still looks great amidst hot temperatures. That's probably the advantage of the low humidity in California; no blow- dryer needed. Also the violence is surprisingly limited as nobody's flailing about in flames. I guess w/ this low-budget film they not only couldn't afford makeup & prosthetics to depict badly burned victims but couldn't even get a stuntman to cover himself in flammable jelly. In conclusion, "Fire Twister" is a typical DVD-only disaster film w/ an unfamiliar cast & a very familiar story-line per disaster films.
waynegryphon First of all the synopsis is wrong. In the synopsis it spoke of a mysterious orb, an oil rig on the ocean, and had an air of supernatural terror to it. The film never even touched on the ocean, it wasn't on a rig and it did not have much to do with oil. In fact the film started out with five friends placing an anti oil banner on what they thought was an oil drum. They find a bomb that nearly kills them which starts the fire twister. It wasn't oil, it was a super fuel that would replace oil, cleaner, longer lasting, and synthetically made. Again no mysterious orb. The five dupes, um friends, five friends, must join forces with the creator of this super fuel and find a way to destroy the fire twisters. It makes me think that the dupes, um friends, never watched that John Wayne movie about fire fighting oilmen, a very large explosion to kill the fueled fire, it took them nearly the entire movie to think what a firefighter would have determined before it hit a populated area. That is to say nothing about the attempt at bravado showing for the bad guys mercenaries (made me think of someone with down syndrome trying to act like what they saw on TV, funny to some degree but not to be taken seriously).
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