The Christmas Cottage
The Christmas Cottage
| 09 December 2017 (USA)
The Christmas Cottage Trailers

When Lacey takes a rare break from work for her friend Ava's Christmas Eve wedding, she reconnects with her former flame, Ean. The two decorate the cottage where the newlyweds will spend their honeymoon – a cottage said to bring true love to anyone who stays there – and feel their chemistry return.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
slentner Lacey first addresses her boss/boyfriend as "Walter" in an early scene, but refers to him as "Roger" later. I thought Roger must be someone we had not seen before, but--when the man appeared in Oregon--he was clearly "Roger". Somebody let that slip!
tiggerjedi This is based on a book written by Samantha Chase. The only things that are similar are character names. The rest of the story in the movie is so different from the book. The book was amazing which is why I watched th movie. Bad move Hallmark.
spasek Hallmark's screenwriters must have a template hidden somewhere, so that they can simply substitute new names, settings, etc. Don't believe me? In the "Christmas Cottage," here's what we get (just like most other Christmas movies).Estranged Couple - This usually goes one of two ways: you get a former couple who are reunited (like with this film), or you get two strangers who meet and click. Here we have Lacey, a workaholic woman who returns home for her best friend's wedding. On the other side of the table, we've got Ean, a cook who enjoys traveling the world and is the brother of the bride. Setting - a small, quaint heavily decorated Christmas town. Once in a while, you get a large city setting, but most of these films are in a small town.Activities - In the small town setting, you invariably have: sled riding, Christmas tree lighting, snowman building, decorating, going for rides in a sleigh, cooking/serving for the under-privileged, etc. Rival - There is almost always a rival in these films. In this case, we have Roger, who happens to be Lacey's boss, and is totally business driven, much like Lacey.The Shift - This is where the one person (Lacey, in this case) needs to find the magic of Christmas. Of course, the magic of Christmas is the catalyst to helping someone change. Here, you have to just "go with it." These movies aren't supposed to be realistic, as most people don't simply change so easily.Second Thoughts - This is where someone, or sometimes, both people are contemplating their "new situation/new feelings" and are unsure about what to do. Usually within the last 7 minutes of the film, an epiphany strikes, and one/both people are in a situation where they can confess their undying love for each other.My favorite Hallmark films are those that take a chance; where the writers do something different. "Finding Father Christmas" and "Engaging Father Christmas" are two films that do this really well.The performances in Christmas Cottage are good, and despite the formula, it's still enjoyable to watch, for the most part. However, because it's so formulaic, the ceiling is set very low, which means that it isn't likely to stand apart from the other films that have the exact...same...formula.Hallmark needs to hire some creative writers who can come up with some new plots and characters that don't adhere so strictly to what should be called, "The Hallmark Christmas Formula." You're likely to enjoy this film, but find yourself saying at the end, "new movie, same story."
jacobs-greenwood The Christmas Cottage is a story about coming home, nostalgia, and a love rekindled through the magic of a family cottage, where any couple that spends a night there together will find an everlasting love.The story begins in San Francisco, where Lacey is a hardworking home designer striving with Roger - also her boyfriend - to land their first big project, a huge multi-million dollar opportunity that will set their firm up for years to come. They've designed a model "living space" that accommodates work and fitness under one roof, a functional home with wall panels that are projected with whatever season or scene the homeowner desires, even adapting the scenery's lighting automatically to owner's sleep patterns.However, before the deal is closed, Lacey insists to Roger that she must return home to fulfill her maid-of-honor duties for her best friend Ava's wedding, promising him that she'll finish the designs for their proposal to the client while she's away. While that was clearly Lacey's intent, Ava won't have any of it, insisting that her maid-of-honor participate in the activities and tasks over the time leading up to the wedding. This includes decorating the cottage, which has been in Ava's family forever, was a big part of their growing up together, and has the aforementioned legend attached to it.Enter Ean, Ava's brother, who used to date Lacey before their different worldviews caused their split. While Lacey believed in a life ordered around work, Ean believed relationships - and experiences - were more important. Lacey and Ean grew up together with many shared experiences, with Ava and in the family cottage. Both are creative: Lacey channeled hers through drawings and sketches that were business related, while Ean became a world traveling chef. His running off precipitated the split, and cemented Lacey's belief that he could never "put down roots".The next day when Lacey goes to decorate the cottage, Ean arrives to help. Whereas she has designated 2 hours to the task, he is in no hurry. Not only does Ean suggest that Lacey "warm" her efficient design idea with more color, he reminds her that there's more to do than she'd planned, like purchase food etc. As evening draws near, it begins to snow such that the two must spend the night in the cabin together, on separate couches near the fireplace when the power goes out. Hence, the cabin's legend is engaged.Most of the rest of the narrative involves Lacey and Ean reconnecting while reminiscing on what worked in their previous relationship. Of course, the Christmastime atmosphere and some prodding by Ava, who wholeheartedly believes the legend because of its impact on her family since her great grandparents, doesn't hurt. Inevitably, Roger arrives on the scene and the rekindled romance between Ean and Lacey is delayed, but not for long as the story proceeds as expected. The highlights are the wedding toasts, first from Ean and then by Lacey, which are really given about and to each other more than they are for Ava and her now husband Mason.