Every Christmas Has a Story
Every Christmas Has a Story
G | 12 November 2016 (USA)
Every Christmas Has a Story Trailers

A TV personality has an on-air snafu and admits she hates Christmas. Following the debacle, she is invited to the Most Christmas-y town in America to try and repair her image. Forced to work with her ex-boyfriend Jack, the show’s producer, the magic of Christmas and this special town will change the way she views Christmas and her life.

Steineded How sad is this?
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
NJS OK...I felt this movie lacked hearat! It's about a famous news anchor/reporter and her "best"friend from college/producer that ended up going to a small town to report on Christmas. I am a big fan of Lifetime movies and no matter how corny, predictable, etc. I still love them. This one was disappointing! I like Lori Loughlin but in this movie, I didn't feel it with her. She seemed negative from beginning to end. Very little emotion and warmth. There is a scene in the beginning where the two check into a hotel. A teenager, who works at the hotel, (Loughlin's actual daughter) carries their heavy suitcases up the stairs and neither character offers to help this woman, a star-struck girl. Like I said, it just lacked any warmth, love, emotion, etc.
hedwigbasz Watched it when it premiered, and I wasn't crazy about this. Felt that the main female character's confession about not liking Christmas was handled very over the top, being conveniently paired with an old college flame as her current TV producer. Loved seeing Willie Aames (an old crush) but have to agree with another reviewer--if Christmas devastated him so much, why was his home decorated like an enchanted Christmas village (gorgeous however). Wasn't crazy about Lori Loughlan's character. No wonder she wasn't married--she was a pretty hard lined you know what. Felt the father/daughter relationship was irrelevant to the story line, almost coming out of nowhere, as the writers felt that strained father/daughter relationship would help heal Kate's hatred of Christmas. That part of the story could have been easily left out, as I felt it contributed nothing. Perhaps she and Colin Ferguson's character (forget name) breaking up at Christmas would have been a better catalyst for Kate's yucky Yuletides and their reconciliation at Christmas be the Christmas miracle she always wanted. Would I watch this again? I don't think so.
rebekahrox This was a weak premise but was bolstered by likable leads, two mysteries, and a nice romance. There was even a bit of a twist at the end regarding the nature of one of the mysteries that I didn't see coming.I must say off the bat that even though Lori Loughlin is 6 years older than her co-star, she looks great and the match was very believable. If she has had work done, one certainly can't tell, unlike some other older actresses that Hallmark casts inappropriately. Had to get that off my chest. Of course one has to suspend disbelief in order to find an excuse to get Lori out of the city to the small town that will help her find her Christmas spirit. Once there, the mystery of why the annual town Christmas trees, that were the town's main attraction during the season quit coming, and why Lori lost her Christmas spirit to begin with. What is the town trying to hide from talk-show host/journalist? It did keep my interest, although the deep dark secret wasn't too deep, or all that dark. I thought it was kind of clever that the whole town was conspiring to create a phony mystery that the journalist could "investigate" and thus help them out. They pulled a fast one on the audience and Lori!
boblipton When newsreader Lori Loughlin says on air that she doesn't like Christmas, she and her producer, ex-lover Colin Ferguson are shipped to Christmas-centric Hollyvale so she can "find her Christmas spirit". Can she do that when the town seems to be losing its own? I sat down to watch this Hallmark TV Christmas movie, expecting it to be pretty much predictable, standard fare, but soon found it something entirely different. The script started in one direction and quickly veered into a mystery about the town and then into yet another one, eventually revealing itself as a meditation on what Christmas means to people in a secular age.Although the stand-out role in these movies is usually some old-time performer in a support role, intended to please old geezers like me ("These young whippersnappers don't know how to hold your attention!"), here the laurels belong to Mr. Ferguson with his rubber-faced reaction shots. Well done all around!
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