Merry Matrimony
Merry Matrimony
G | 22 November 2015 (USA)
Merry Matrimony Trailers

Brie Traverston is up for partner at her firm if she can successfully coordinate a Christmas wedding reshoot and ignore all the feelings that come with working with the one-that-got-away Eddie Chapman and his possibly new girlfriend Isabella.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
skaterwalker I absolutely loved this hallmark movie!! It is one of my favorites to watch during the Christmas season. I would love to see a sequel just to get an update on the characters. I thought the plot was very sweet and I wasn't able to predict the events that happened like I normally can In a hallmark film. The movie was the perfect amount of cheesiness and Christmas spirit!
bobmauch Dear wife and I are watching this movie as we speak....type...whatever. Geez...this Jessica Lowndes chick couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. Gorgeous, though. Like watching an "adult" movie where everyone has their clothes on. I'm really surprised Hallmark let this movie make it to broadcast. This is one that likely won't be repeated in future years. Wow. Bad. Really bad. The entire premise of the plot would be pretty good if not for the distractingly bad acting by the principal actress. And the constant "upspeak" where she delivers her lines like everything's a question. Maddening. So, now, IMDb wants 4 more lines of text. Let's see...other actors are fairly good, especially the "secondary" actors. Main actors are fine...with the exception of Jessica L. Other'n all that, production quality, setting, etc. are excellent Hallmark quality.
rise22 I watch a lot of the holiday movies (Hallmark, especially) and this one just wasn't up to their usual pinnacle. It had some really, really BAD, did he STEAL that bottle of champagne before they went on the carriage ride? No scene showing that he paid for it....AND, these people never communicated - not for seven years!!! Why would anyone think they'd start now? The actors did not create a feeling of love between themselves - they were like two people going in different directions - which is why they didn't get together in the FIRST PLACE - and guess what? NOTHING HAS CHANGED!I would not bother wasting my time on this one, as there are others out there much more in line with the Spirit of the Season, as well as making people believe in love and hope.
Rob-o I rated another holiday movie earlier today, so I am almost all out of Christmas cheer. But I mustered some up to review Merry Matrimony even though my wife and I watched about 50% of it. There was an NFL game that we were sort of watching at the same time, so we kept flipping back and forth between the game and Merry Matrimony. The game featured the Bengals and the Cardinals, and even though we have no rooting interest in either team, there were some players on my fantasy football team that I wanted to check in on. As of this writing, those players have accounted for 15.83 fantasy football points for me. Here's hoping that they add a few touchdowns to my point total before the game ends.As for the movie, I just want to echo what my wife says about the main male character's jaw and how it is not real. She insisted that he had a chin implant. I wasn't so sure, but I changed my mind during this one scene where he and the female love interest are in a horse carriage going to Central Park. He tilted his head upwards, and there was definitely a scar on the bottom of his chin. An implant scar! My wife and I collectively gasped for 25 seconds when we saw that. It looks like he stuffed an entire steel bear trap into his jaw.Anyways, there is love in the air in this movie. They are in New York, which is a pretty romantic place, so they would be a couple of morons if they don't end up with each other. And with that cash register of a jaw, the lead male character has everything he could possibly want. But for Christmas, I am getting him some scar cream.