Operation Christmas
Operation Christmas
| 20 November 2016 (USA)
Operation Christmas Trailers

As her new romance blossoms, a single mother, Olivia, is dismayed when her boyfriend, Scott, a military sergeant, is deployed right before Christmas. Determined to not let it ruin the holidays for her and her children they decide to give back to the struggling military families on his base and, as their efforts go viral, they are rewarded in ways they never imagined.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
bkornegayh This movie had an interesting storyline--life with an active-duty army ranger. I enjoyed it, and have purchased it.I thought the character of Olivia Young got beat up a bit for having fears about the ranger's safety and questions about being left alone to raise children during his long assignments who-knows-where. I think Olivia's concerns were realistic, especially given some of the scenes depicting the reality of family life with a loved one overseas.I appreciated the references to God in this Christmas movie. That's getting more and more rare.I also want to mention there was some inappropriate touching between the army ranger and the child actress playing his little girl. (It was during a dinner scene.) I hope it was an accident. :-(
gehewe I rate it a good but not great movie. The lead actress and actor were OK in their roles but did not quite make it superb. The story especially at the beginning had some surprise in it, but then faded a little when the "Operation Christmas" got started. The issue of separation of husband and wife for these military Ranger Units was brought out and this brought about the main struggle for the lead actress. The movie did not pull off this struggle in a compelling way, but the ending was well done. The little girl in "A Heavenly Christmas" was also in this movie and pulled an emotional "I love you" which added to the drama. I would say the movie was more of a drama than romance. It passed the doze test (no one fell asleep) and I would probably not watch it again.
Stephen Abell This film should've been much better than it was.For a start, it has some of my favoured television "B-Cast List" actors with Marc Blucas, Gabrielle Rose, and Lisa Durupt. However, actors can only act out the script at the director's direction, and this is where the film fell flat.The writer, instead of going for deep and meaningful, tried for schmaltzy and sweet... and failed. All you got was cliché, after cliché, after cliché, and so on...They had so much scope for a heartfelt and expressive Christmas movie with a hint of romance and serious family issues revolving around the army and any manoeuvres that may occur during the festive season.The direction was standard and none too engaging.The predictable "throw-away" ending only made me grimace and feel sorry for the spouses, who were sat in the audience, who weren't as lucky as the love interest in the movie.This is how not to make a Christmas Film and I'd recommend viewers to stay clear.
Steven This movie tried to hit the target but missed it by a mile. I was in the military and while you can ship out anytime the ways its portrayed in this movie is so far off base. Also they show a lifestyle for a sergeant that is way out of their pay range. I just didn't like it. I hate when they try to do movies about military life but don't fully do research. That or they just change it to fit their so called "vision". Also you don't deploy one day and come back the next. That just doesn't happen. When deployed its for a while not just 24 hours. They fact that everyone is oh its the military life we love it its great is false. Also they make the lady the bad person because she has concerns. Sorry but she had a valid point.