Fast Company
Fast Company
| 08 July 1938 (USA)
Fast Company Trailers

Married book-dealers Joel & Garda Sloane try to clear a friend in the murder of a rival book-seller.

Supelice Dreadfully Boring
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
mark.waltz Watchable, light entertainment, this still has a feeling of haven't we seen this all before? And much better, too. The MGM gloss rules in this blatant attempt to be a new "Thin Man", but lacks originality. The idea of a married couple involved in murder through their antique book business sets up a potentially interesting story, but all that occurs other than a murder is the intrusion of a lot of very eccentric characters and a bit of convoluted story to follow. The film is at its best when it concentrates on the married couple, here played by Melvin Douglas and second string MGM lead Florence Rice. Likable but unremarkable, she is certainly no threat to Myrna Loy. In support are Shepperd Strudwick as an apparently innocent man accused of murdering fence George Zucco, Claire Dodd as a flirtatious socialite, and Nat Pendleton as a smarmy character whom Douglas and Rice encounter on the road to solving the crime. MGM didn't seem to have confidence in the series or its stars, replacing the leads in all three films. Certainly an adequate time filler, it just doesn't tell, especially when compared to Nick and Nora, them preparing their third teaming. Douglas is as dashing as William Powell, but wisely moved on after this.
csteidler Melvyn Douglas and Florence Rice are "Joel Sloane & Co. – Rare Books," as it says on their office door. The husband and wife team spends as much time flirting as detecting in this clever and very funny mystery.The plot involves a rival book seller (George Zucco) who has reported some valuable books stolen. Something is fishy….did he steal his own books and then frame his daughter's hot-tempered fiancé, who is in jail for the crime? Zucco is in cahoots with a counterfeiter who produces rare editions, and employs a clever secretary (the excellent Claire Dodd) who wears a mink coat that ought to be out of her price range….Anyway, it's not exactly a surprise when the shady Zucco is found murdered. There are multiple suspects, and Douglas sums up the general feeling when he tells the investigating police detective, "Well, if you're looking for a statement from me, I am not bogged down with grief."It's a very fast-paced picture. In one sequence, Douglas is kidnapped, tied up in a hideout, and escapes while Rice gets herself captured and the cops show up to the rescue—all in a matter of a couple of minutes. Witty dialog and the very attractive cast pleasantly overshadow the plot, which is rather complex but—in a movie like this—not all that important anyway.
JohnHowardReid The first and best of the three "Fast" films featuring Joel and Garda Sloane turned out by M-G-M in 1938 and 1939, "Fast Company" features not only an intriguing mystery plot, but a most entertaining glimpse of the rare book business. Mind you, it helps immensely that Melvyn Douglas and Florence Rice make such a superb team as Joel and Garda. It makes me wonder why M-G-M didn't capitalize on this success and feature Douglas and Rice in follow-up movies. Douglas certainly went up and up the entertainment ladder, while Rice was handed smaller and smaller roles and quickly found herself – but still as the star – on Poverty Row! Her final film, "The Ghost and the Guest", was released by PRC in 1943. Getting back to "Fast Company", it also helped that the support players are all in such fine form, particularly Claire Dodd, Louis Calhern, Douglass Dumbrille and George Zucco. Nat Pendleton also distinguishes himself in a most unusual role as a comic hit-man. The character is amusing but at any moment we're aware that given the chance, he'll shoot our hero dead! A fine piece of acting, cleverly balancing stupidity and suspense! Watch out for silent star Barbara Bedford as the D.A.'s (Thurston Hall's) secretary. Available on an excellent Warner Archive DVD.
Cutter-2 The first and, in my humble opinion, the best of the three Joel & Garda Sloane mysteries. Others have compared the three "Fast" movies to The Thin Man series. Its only real similarity is the snappy exchanges between husband and wife. Joel is gainfully employed with his own rare books business and well known locally as an expert in the field. Garda works with him. Neither Nick or Nora did much other than live off of Nora's inheritance. I particularly enjoyed Florence Rice more in the Garda role than either Ann Sothern or Rosiland Russell. She is fairly rarely the butt of Joel's "jokes" like Nora is. Douglas and Rice are a little more "down to earth" than the other two couples.If you are a mystery series fan this is well worth the hour and ten minutes and much better than most of the '30s and '40s mystery series. Don't expect to be culturally enriched but you will be entertained.