| 11 November 1993 (USA)
Fanfan Trailers

After seeing the initial passion and romance fade into a series of routine and boring relationships, Alexandre (Vincent Perez) concludes that romance ends when sex enters into a relationship. Determined to prevent this from happening with his latest love-interest—a sexy young woman named Fanfan (Sophie Marceau)—he decides that platonic love is the solution. Despite the wonderful, romantic, and inventive ways Alexandre finds for them to spend time together, Fanfan is left disappointed by his refusal to make love to her. Their exciting relationship becomes jeopardized by Alexandre's unwillingness to change his new approach to love.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
surprisinglylargeamount I've just seen this film for the first time over the Xmas period on a Chinese cable television. It's a classic. Marceau is just the epitome of beauty itself and charming throughout the film. Perez, too, is very watchable.Unlike many love stories on film this has none of that awful sentimentality, but is strewn with many comical moments. The plot centres around Perez falling in love with Marceau but desiring to keep the relationship fresh by keeping her at at distance. At the same time Perez is planning to marry his girlfriend, played by the equally beautiful Marine Delterme.Forget tired old classics like "Brief Encounter" and "The Seven Year Itch" and watch this instead. The only thing that stops me giving it more out of ten is that I would have liked to have seen much more of both the beautiful Miss Marceau and also Miss Delterme. Then it would have been a classic among classics!
yanjcw Fanfan, which i thought is another version of Fanfan la Tulipe, proved me wrong yesterday. actually it's much better than the 2003 version(there's another old version is pretty good, though).as an eastern, i would describe this movie very imaginative. it reminds of Amilie, which wins a much high rate over here or probably around the world. it's all just for a dinner to break in an apartment, even dramatically coinciding is that the host has affection outside. i never see or even imagine people around me have this crazy idea, no matter how romantic they would like to be. another big shot is the applying of single-side mirror, which i believe not only makes this movie sort of funny but more important also to carry on naturally and attractively. it's rather interesting when Fanfan called Alexandre next door and they danced following the same rhythm. wholly speaking, it's the mirror helped the couple finally get together, i think. never see this original idea before, so i call it imaginative again.however, it would be perfect if it only could be improved about a few details. as i see, Fanfan should be kind of wild or hot while Sophie Masseau appears much elegant. so i don't think she fits the role well or gives a wonderful performance in this movie, though we surely all know she is definitely beautiful and truly a dream-lover among men on the earth
eustfam I was pleasantly surprised by this film--I never heard about it until I found a DVD copy. Since I love both Sophie Marceau and Vincent Perez, I decided to purchase the copy. It has a strange (quirky!) plot about a man who wants to keep his love affair forever fresh and so he makes a vow to woo the girl of his dreams but at the same time, maintains a distance so that his desire for her would never wane or turn sour. Question is, can he keep it up? It reminded me of a line from the song--"The Impossible Dream"..." love pure, and chaste, from afar..." And life throws us into situations we can't just control... Watch this lovely film and see the chemistry between the 2 leading actors. Although the film revolves entirely on them, it remains interesting to end--it leaves the viewer wondering whether they will end up together or not. (I don't want to spoil it for you, so you have to watch it yourself.) And this is the first film of Vincent Perez that I've watched where he doesn't die or get killed! Yey!
JasonT413 I really enjoyed this quirky love story between the characters played by Vincent Perez and Sophie Marceau. The editing was quirky as well but fresh. Americans can't make funny love stories like this one. They try hard but fall flat on their faces. I admit there are some indulgent scenes but maybe only one or two. Overall, it is a fun film to watch. Vincent Perez is ever so watchabel as is Sophie Marceau, needless to say. Fun film and vibrant.