Table for Three
Table for Three
| 23 June 2009 (USA)
Table for Three Trailers

A suddenly single guy invites what he thinks is a perfect couple to move into his apartment, only to discover they quickly insert themselves into all aspects of his life.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Chrysanthepop I'm surprised at all the negativity 'Table For Three' received because it had me laughing almost all the way. I say almost because I thought towards the end (except the last scene) it got very clichéd. Samonek does a good job of making the story (which could have easily been a thriller) into a comedy. The jokes work excellently but there is also a lot of subtle humour some of which can be easily missed if you turn your head away for a minute. 'Table For Three' also has a polished and appealing look. The sets look great and the soundtrack is pleasant. One of the most crucial requirements for a successful comedy is to cast actors with comic flair. Brandon Routh does a fairly decent job and the breathtakingly beautiful Jennifer Morrison is absolutely charming. However, 'Table For Three' belongs to Jesse Bradford and Sophia Bush. They are awesome as this weird, intrusive and clingy couple from hell and their scenes together are the highlights of the movie. Bush should definitely quit acting in soaps and consider acting more in films. To sum it up, 'Table For Three' is a fun movie to watch on a date or with friends.
chapsmack Table for Three turns can be watched if you haven't anything else to do but can be skipped otherwise. Picked it up to see how Superman would fare in a non-extraordinary role and he acts decently but doesn't seem to have much of an acting prowess. Maybe taking some indie role would do him good. The movie itself tries to build as it goes along but with not much of a story line there isn't much to do. The cast meanders through their roles and one can't imagine why Sophia Bush would pick a role like this, not to mention the others. The story-line is feeble and the script isn't powerful enough to drive an oft repeated story. A couple of funnies in the whole movie, hmmm maybe not. Will be out on TV so no need to rush to get the DVD from the store. 5/10.
bass_addicted_xxl This one was too romantic for an r-rated comedy, too r-rated to be a romantic comedy and just too unfunny to be a comedy. But I'm basically okay with this genre uncertainty, this is not the main reason I hated the movie. The main reason is that the movie is annoying as hell from start to finish. 'The crazy couple' is really annoying with their over the top performance, and the superman guy is annoying being too good. All other characters in this movie, including Scott's love interest, are almost non-existent. The movie delivers one or two mediocre laughs which I'm sure you'll remember, but all in all it's not worth watching. Even 'Cable Guy' which has a somewhat similar plot is better.
Fatume I just finished watching this movie, and believe me the whole time I was watching it I kept yelling "why Sophia why?". I am a huge fan of Sophia Bush and she's the main reason I watched the movie. I even dragged my friend with me and she was actually counting how much time left for the movie to end! one thing did make me laugh though and it was the matching outfits thing, and that is why I gave the movie a 2 and not a 1. The crazy couple did a good job being 'crazy', but still the plot was too weak, and Brandon didn't convince me in being so infatuated that he would 'forgive' the couple and even go on a road trip with them! Grrr.. I want my 85 minutes back.