R | 09 July 2013 (USA)
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A group of teachers must defend themselves from a gang of murderous kids when their school comes under siege after hours.

Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Anthony James It's every kind of crap you can imagine, unless you live in the UK and have a terrible phobia of chavs this movie does nothing for you.It's storyline is pointless, boring and makes absolutely no sense. The characters drain the life out of you, the killer teens could have made it interesting but no they kept them just like the rest of the movie; a pile a crap (I feel like I'm using the word crap much but it really is a load of crap). It's abrupt ending can only be welcomed with open arms and a bewildered feeling left in your soul that the only scary thing this movie did was eat 79mins of your life and that you'll never know why any of that happened.So to sum up everything; this movie only has the stars it does because of hipsters liking things other people don't. It tried to be edgy and dark but was just a uninteresting,terribly written, bland, poorly shot,non scary pile of crap and I feel so bad for people who paid to see it.
Christopher Walker I can see why this film is either a love or hate movie.There are those that like it's simple approach and execution, and there are those that just dislike it because it doesn't deliver the expected gore fest they've come to expect, and it doesn't make a lot of sense either.I'm a bit torn over this film, and wanted to like it more than I do.THE GOOD:I was impressed in the simple way it slowly nudged up the tension.It slowly made you feel more uncomfortable, as the hoodie gang attack lone teachers and pupils after hours at the school. I felt sorry for the teacher who had his career and life ruined by an obnoxious pupil who assaulted him, and then got away with it.His slow slide into alcoholism and depression was very well portrayed, and the deterioration of his relationship with his daughter was realistic and well acted.I'm glad the film didn't resort to wall to wall gore to show all the killings. Setting up the threat and then revealing later on the horrific aftermath was much more effective for me.Too many horrors swamp the viewer with ultra-realistic death scenes nowadays. It isn't shocking any more, and we all know how good make up effects and CGI can be to show a person getting killed, so the impact is lost.The faceless hoodies were a new scary idea, and how they stalked their victims was well filmed.THE BAD:Well, the film takes a big nose-dive once we've reached 75 minutes of good tension building and plot development, and seems to just fizzle out.There is no resolution at all here, no real motive for the attacks, no members of the gang identified. They just appear to get away with it.The teacher drives off to the hospital with his wounded daughter. The mother arrives at the school and is wandering around on her own. Most of the other teachers and pupils have been killed off. The two police staff who arrived to investigate are also dead.THAT'S IT!! END OF FILM.Quite what this is supposed to mean is a mystery.I'm wondering if the director and writer felt that today's thoughtless, selfish, and nasty society would just accept that there is no justice, no hope, and no end to today's violence, and therefore the ending was justified as showing - real life . Either that, or simply the money ran out and there was no way to film anything else, so the film was left to stand as it is.I don't know which, but I think most people will feel cheated here, and end up disliking what is a well made film that just needed a bit more work to make it excellent.
vengeance20 I found out about his one late last year! Was a tough DVD to find in hmv because of it's uninspiring name. But got it & watched it!A Pretty good film! A rare type of film at that! A British one as well making it stand out! The kills were intense! Like the security man being burned alive inside the wheelie bin. It was very Gory & pretty interesting not to mention Extremely Brutal!! The story line was OK. Not giving us much as to why the attack! Although following what happened from the very beginning, it seems like it was revenge for how the teacher treated on of his students! But it could have been explained abit more & gave us an idea as to why! Instead of us having to 'guess' what happened.The ending was a little disappointing! Considering that I wanted to know what the motivation was & if they got caught etc! But wasn't too bad, a good cliff hanger but it overall was a great film! 9/10
shweeble I can't really say I was impressed with this film. It seemed promising, with a kind of oppressive bleakness following the main character's thoroughly depressing existence. With the clear dysfunction between him and his daughter, it seemed like there was a clear foundation for a disturbing and realistic horror movie, but it was not to be.I understand that horror films are based on what people are afraid of, but this film is so unapologetically terrified of the youth of today that I can't help but wonder if anyone involved in writing it has ever actually spoken to a teenager, or if they just base all of their knowledge on what The Daily Mail tells them. None of the teenagers are portrayed as anything beyond either bratty, or murderous. And yet the film still lacks the kind of realistic, bleak air that the opening sections suggested. The fact that the hooded assailants were actually portrayed as nigh super-powered just seemed to hit it home further that this whole film is based entirely on absolute terror of teens.Neither realistic enough to be disturbing, nor supernatural enough to be coherent.