Grimm's Snow White
Grimm's Snow White
PG-13 | 13 March 2012 (USA)
Grimm's Snow White Trailers

When the King is killed by ferocious reptile beasts, his Queen takes control of the kingdom. She tries to kill her beautiful stepdaughter SNOW, but she escapes into the enchanted forest...

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Wuchak RELEASED TO VIDEO IN 2012 and directed by Rachel Goldenberg, "Grimm's Snow White" is a loose adaption of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale about an evil queen (Jane March) who takes over her husband's kingdom after his dubious death. Upon discovering that her beautiful stepdaughter, Snow (Eliza Bennett), is a rival for the attentions of a valiant prince (Jamie Thomas King) she tries to kill her, but Snow escapes into the enchanted forest where she finds reluctant sanctuary with some elves (Sebastian Wimmer, Alan Burgon, Frauke Steiner, etc.). Meanwhile war is brewing. Otto Jankovich is on hand as the prince's adviser.The Asylum (film company) is known for making low-budget knockoffs of major films (always for less than $1 million) and thus "Grimm's Snow White" came out eleven weeks before "Snow White and the Huntsman" to steal some of its thunder. While it lacks that film's production polish, I found the story at least as engaging and Eliza Bennett is just all-around more fitting in the title role than the nigh impassive Kristen Stewart. Sure, she looks like Alice in Wonderland, but who cares? As for Snow's blonde hair, there have been renditions of the story where she has blonde ("golden") hair. There's also at least one other film version where she's a blonde. Jamie Thomas King is also preferable to the hulking Chris Hemsworth simply because he's more of an 'every man' and is just plain more likable. Moreover, the locations and authentic castles are awesome, shot in the heart of Europe; and the emerald forests are to die for. Sure, the CGI dragons and canine beasts are hopelessly cartoony, but that's to be expected in a TV-budgeted flick.If you don't mind low-budgets and like fantasy adventures that feature all the elements noted in my title blurb, you'll find this movie entertaining. Remember: Imagination and legend are about good and evil and the power of selfless courage against impossible odds. There is nothing more heroic than man (male or female) against monster. This is what you get in "Grimm's Snow White." Yes, some Asylum movies suck (e.g. "30,000 Leagues Under the Sea" and "Mega Piranha"), but some don't (e.g. "The Land That Time Forgot" and "6 Guns"). "Grimm's Snow White" ranks with the latter.THE FILM RUNS 90 minutes and was shot in and around Vienna, Austria. WRITER: Naomi L. Selfman.GRADE: B/B- (6.5/10)
angel_redwin i liked it... thought there was some pretty good acting; despite the fact that it says it's going in a non-traditional way with the elves and the weird dragons, it kinda didn't really stray from a typical plot line for snow white... loved how the fights scenes were done and i'm sorry but i laughed at how bad the special effects were whenever somethings head got chopped off... must have saved money on fake blood since i believe only one scene had any... the plastic elf ears were kind of cute and you gotta love the queen being a man user to get what she wants... i honestly have to say that i think they could have gone more towards a snow white confronting destiny and had the epic snow vs evil queen in front of the star flames and the ending needed to be cleaned up with a theme of peace and complete togetherness... my favorite character had to be Orlando the grumpy (yet super sexy) elf he just had more depth and transformation of character from being local bad boy/protector saying dude just let her die she's human, to a more compassionate, oh snow i see how hard it is to see your true loves forced wedding- understanding look in his eyes his character really pulled through and i love the depth the actor presented, the prince however i'm not impressed with his character which could have been the actor could have been how he was written... who knows
rockinsoul Well where do I begin. Snow White retold with the inclusion of dragons and elves? An unusual pretence for a movie but one that could have been interesting. Right? Wrong! Everything about this film was just terrible. From the opening scene you just know what is about to follow. At least they gave us the courtesy of turning the movie off at the start instead of wasting an hour and a half watching it, which I should have done. But I watched it through. The casting, the acting, the directorship, the editing, the CGI, were all atrocious. I found myself laughing out loud several times at just how lame it all was. None of the "poignant" scenes stir any emotions, except for hilarity at the lameness. The plot is disjointed, the crew minimal (there must be less than a hundred cast in the entire movie, and that is including both armies!! The only decent thing was the musical score, which may have made it OK to watch if you are blind and you could remove the script!! Get the sound track but for God's sake don't watch this movie. You have been warned. Other than all that, of course, it's alright :)
Melissa Anderson A Brave attempt to keep America Working. The movie was not very good, very cheesy and with poor special effect. It would appear that a very low budget was involved, one that could only afford less than 12 elves to make up a kingdom. The lead actors.. hope they didn't give up their day job. The storyline was also not sound and was neither the Disney version of the original Grimm version. It was a shock to see Jamie (James) King, of the Vampire Diaries play such a drab and uneventful role. He does so well in Vampire diaries, is very surprising he is so bad in this role. Prospective and camera shots very bad. If I was the evil queen, I must say feed it to the dogs.
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