| 01 June 2012 (USA)
Cellmates Trailers

Leroy Lowe, grand dragon of the Texas Ku Klux Klan confronts everything he's been taught to hate when he's sentenced to three years of hard labor on a prison work farm, where Warden Merville, dead set on rehabilitating Leroy, chooses Emilio, a Hispanic field worker imprisoned for fighting for labor rights, to be his cell-mate. Leroy, confined in a small cell with the enemy, far from the KKK comrades who deserted him, finds the chatty Emilio slowly chipping away at his anger and prejudice. His weekly rehabilitation meetings with the warden, barely tolerable as the man drones on about farm labor and field crops, take on a different meaning when Madalena, a beautiful Mexican maid is hired to clean the warden's office. An unconventional love story develops that opens Leroy's eyes to the possibility of a different life. And a man who was a born and bred racist finds himself heading down a completely different path to salvation.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Steineded How sad is this?
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Seth_Rogue_One Tom Sizemore plays a white and proud big-shot in the Ku Klux Klan who get sent to jail and get the misfortune of having to share his cell with a Mexican, played by Hector Jimenez (mostly known for being Jack Black's sidekick in Nacho Libre).It's a rather simple tale and 50% of the film is just Tom and Hector together in a cell so if you have a strong disliking for either of those then perhaps this film is not for you.But if you don't and you maybe even like them then yeah for sure it's worth a spin.Visually it could have been a little better looking, but I suppose there is just so much you can do with a cell to make it look good on film.6.5/10
kallmekash I believe character actors can give you surprises anytime... when it comes to Tom Sizemore, I only remembered him in Heart and Souls although I had seen him quite often in several other movies... but boy how good he did it in Cellmates, it made me check out his resume here and got me remember more than a dozen of his performances in the movies I had already seen...The plot is very straight and obvious... a mean racist guy learns to love people... but the process which he goes through is what you have to enjoy in the movie... I personally think this movie is as surprising as Bad-Ass starring Danny Trejo.. Do watch it... you won't regret...
Velimir cosic The reason that I clicked and watched the movie Cellmates on Netflix was the funny-looking poster. It was the biggest most pleasant surprise that I had lately been watching a movie. Director Jesse Baget made serious situation played by Tom Sizemore (racist Ku Klux Klan member) and his cell mate Héctor Jiménez (immigrant farm laborer) to a very enjoyable movie The whole story developed by two totally different worlds collide in the small cell, and after Leroy fell in love with his wardens (played by Stacey Keach) office cleaning lady, a beautiful Madalena (played by Olga Segura ), those worlds became very close. Commence the suspension of disbelief. Despite Leroy's loathing of "fence hoppers" and insistence that "Mexicans should stay in Mexico," Emilio's endearing loquacity gradually wins him over. There were no special effects like in an action movie, except great camera movements, especially actor's full face close-ups. This idea gave a movie different light and made the actors look more desirable to watch. In addition to the suggestive hilarity, Cellmates is a well-constructed comedy that is modestly lyrical and methodical in its implementation. It is indeed quite perceptive within its off-the-wall shadings. The harmonizing soundtrack elevates the film's cheerful personality. Visually, Cellmates is shot beautifully and feels authentic in its vintage stylish leanings.
albrechtcm Tom Sizemore wrings every moment out of the role of a lifetime. A hateful guy, practically a Nazi, whom you can't help loving. You sympathize with him throughout this romp despite his insane beliefs. This was Mr. Sizemore's moment. 'Nuff said. I don't want him to get big-headed. The rest of the cast was right on and gave everything they had. Over the top? Sure. Cartoon-like characters, yes. Mugging stolen straight from The Three Stooges? Absolutely, but this clever film manages to take an extremely touchy subject: racism, and turn it into a screaming comedy, a comedy with pathos. Disgusting as the warden (Stacy Keach) is, you can't help but like the guy and Héctor Jiménez is a one of a kind, professional scene-stealer by trade. The pacing of Cellmates is just right. Not fast, but never a dull moment. The sweet Olga Segura adds mucho encanto and romance without saying a word on screen, and I was impressed that the script by Baget and Moscato never allowed itself to be drawn into the usual prison clichés: food fights, shanks, mean hulk-like bullies and sadistic guards, etc. This being a prison work farm, the prisoners had more freedom and we didn't have to look at all the hard-core tattooed killers and perverts shuffling around in chains. Overall, an uplifting film with sorry-ass characters you just gotta love. Don't fail to add this to your collection.
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