R | 10 March 2012 (USA)
Extracted Trailers

Thomas Jacobs invents a way to watch people's memories from the inside. Going against his morals, he accepts an offer to enter a heroin addict's memories to literally see if he committed a crime. However,a malfunction causes his consciousness to become trapped inside the criminal's mind. He remains a prisoner in the addict's memories for more than four years until he discovers the possibility of escape.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Michelle Ridley The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
swetlanaborowka I only watched this movie because of a pretty good score in Netflix. This is a very good movie, great idea and good acting. I have no idea why this movie was so poorly reviewed. The story is classy science fiction about a scientist stuck in his own mind reading experiment and desperately trying to find his way out. During a prototype demonstration to replay the murder of a young woman the scientist accidentally stayed in the mind of the accused person and his body fell into a coma. With the help of the guy he tries to find a way back. There a some nice plot twists and a satisfying end. I liked the movie very much and can only recommend it. Don't listen to the bad reviews and give it a try.
begob Well, they fooled me. Won't mention my suspicion and spoil it for others.It's low budget but well worked out. The criticism about confusion in the plot doesn't hold, but I do think they made a mistake in the story telling. At about 30 mins the investigator is able to channel the subject's current state of consciousness, even though their connection was broken four years earlier. This is resolved, but it takes about 15 mins and in that time I was losing a bit of faith in the story. Should have explained it straight away.Another criticism is that they had to rely on a recap montage toward the end - same kind of thing as used in Predestination. In this case I don't think it was necessary because the puzzle is nice and tight. They might have used that time to give us more insight on the victim to increase the emotional hit.But it does end good and emotional, which I guess is hard to achieve with one of these puzzlers.So - not perfect, but good entertainment. Thanks to the other reviewers for recommending.
Eric M. Van Simply put, this is a whip-smart science fiction movie that is all about the nature and reliability of memory, and how it interacts with personality.I initially thought that the 9 and 10 ratings in the reviews here were a little generous, but made sense when considering its budget and the notoriety of the actors and director. Then I watched it again four days later. It's a rare movie that not only stands up to that kind of scrutiny, but offers up overlooked details and becomes significantly more moving and emotional. This absolutely deserves a 9.2 without a handicap, and for some context, in my book District 9 is an 8.9, Attack the Block and The Skin I Live In get 8.7, and Limitless and Source Code get 8.5. All movies I loved, but none are exceptional in the way this is.It has a very effective thriller structure, but you have to pay attention and be on top of what's going on (virtually every external reviewer pretty obviously didn't; there's no way the second act is slow or repetitive if you're following the story). Like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, it spends almost no money at all on the tech. Ignore the lack of whiz-bang and attend to the ideas.What stuns me on the second viewing is the depth of the character story, and the quality of the performances from the mostly unknown cast. The visuals are stylish, and the editing and score are both very effective. This is absolutely a writer / director to watch, big-time.
alexeykorovin The shaky camera was annoying me thru the whole move. I liked the concept (someone jumping inside other's memories and even talking to the host), yet it was not developed into anything interesting. The whole movie revolves around proving if some junkie is guilty or not of murdering his girlfriend. I never really cared. The junkie character did not evoke any sympathy. In the end of the movie they pose a question if memories are reliable and answer: no, they are not. So, say, they aren't reliable for legal procedures. Well, OK, I guess that's common knowledge anyway. So, all in all, they took an interesting concept (watching memories of _others_, not just yourself) which is actually not new but that's fine, and built something around it, plus shaky camera. Was it fun? Not much really. This movie well deserves its 6-something rating.