PG-13 | 24 November 2001 (USA)
Epoch Trailers

Disaster strikes as a specialised team of investigators struggle to find out the truth about a strange monolith which sends out an intercontinental signal.

Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Sean Wolf Watching this TV film, a decade after it was made, I was impressed by the quality of the production but as the film progressed, there were some glaring similarities between this film and the 1998 film adaptation of the Japanese comic book, Spriggan, using a Noah's Ark plot device from 1989! The stone monolith, the key that opens to blackness, lights pulsating above, maintaining a catalog of all living organisms through time, and the protagonists being swallowed up into a white space. The end revelation of the whole device being a planet changing machine is ripped straight off the movie Spriggan. The race against time as the monolith was falling apart. All of it from Spriggan. Even the Colonel being the antagonist. If I had never seen Spriggan I'd give it a 7 out of 10. Since I've seen Spriggan however, I can't give it more than a 3, since the 4 points would've gone toward original idea. The acting was decent, but the writers were disingenuous plagiarists. I wonder if the creators of Spriggan know. Anyone know Takashige Hiroshi and Minagawa Ryouji's emails?
Carsten Corleis This is one of this movies, that i first saw on TV (in Germany, it was aired with the alternate title "Torus") and awaiting nothing special than that what a movie, produced only for TV or DVD-sales, commonly is: A cheap production, full of errors, a simple and boring story, and a lot of bad special-effects... but "Epoch" aka "Torus" truly surprised me! A captivating and mysterious story with an alien artifact that was discovered. It is not a movie with a huge lot of action. The story is not so weird, tricky and twisted like "Donnie Darko", but well made. The FX are well done, in spite that you can see that it was sometimes CG-animation.IMHO it is far better than, for example, "Sphere", because it set not on cheap shocking-effects, but, more like "2001", on a riddle, that a alien force left behind millions of years ago for mankind to discover. And beside the scientific storyline about the discovering of the artifact, the makers add a political conflict between USA and China too. I recommend it to everyone, who is interested in SF-movies, they are a little bit mysterious. Like "Thrill Seekers" it is one of this little, very good B-picture gems, that are really worth to discover and to own on DVD!
Jack This is about a giant rock formation that bursts from the earth somewhere near China. The US sends a team to investigate, while the Chinese send a few divisions of troops, and a US soldier goes insane. The US team consists of a scientist who's main investigative strategy seems to be pointing out how smart he is and how dumb everyone else is, which is ironic because if you actually pay attention, it turns out he's wrong in the end. Then there's the hard nosed government agent who does everything she can to keep the scientist from doing his job, based on the fact that he made a bad joke and she's mad at him. And then the previously mentioned insane soldier. So, we're in good hands here.The big problem with the movie is that it sets up a good premise: What is this thing? And then never answers its own question. Your guess is as good as the writer's. Very unsatisfying. A lot of time wasted with subplots that should have been spent coming up with an interesting explanation for the alien object. I felt like they expected me to use my experience with other sci-fi films and just assume that these aliens were pretty much the same. Or not...or, well, just look at all the money we spent on CGI - pretty cool eh?The action moves along okay, the acting isn't bad, the characters are all somewhat annoying, and the CGI is actually pretty good. Basically it's the writing that sunk this thing.
Wizard-8 Listen, I have seen REAL junk before seeing this movie - movies with worse scripts, worse special effects, worse acting, you name it. That's why I am kind of puzzled with everyone here claiming that those attributes in this movie are the worse possible. All I can think is that they have mostly or completely watched big-budget Hollywood product, and think that the only good films that exist must fit that criteria.The movie starts off pretty well, thanks in part to an intriguing premise. And the investigation of the object and the events surrounding it keep up the interest, with some genuine intelligent touches. There is also some extra tension added with the subplot about the Chinese. Okay, the special effects overall may not be up to a big-budget Hollywood movie, but they are far above average for made-for-video movies. (And a few, in fact, are excellent.) And yes, there are a few questionable things in the script, such as how the Chinese first react to the object when they get near it. The acting is mainly mediocre, but it's not so bad that it keeps distracting you from the characters and the events.However, I will admit that the movie ultimately ends up being a big question mark. A lot of intriguing questions are brought up, but there is little done to answer them. Still, this is nowhere the worst movie that's ever been made. For those who think so, I say: Expand the range of what you watch! For starters, try watching movies made by Royal Oaks or Phoenician Entertainment, or movies produced by Lloyd A. Simandl!