Epoch Evolution
Epoch Evolution
R | 29 November 2003 (USA)
Epoch Evolution Trailers

10 years since the the first Alien object called Torus arose, two more have risen. The first torus changed the worlds view dramatically not just political but even on a religious basis. Dr. Mason Rand is on the run from religious zealots, Genesis Coalition, who fear the epidemic ramifications that will be brought on because of what DR. Rand knows.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Artdoag2 Okay, so this movie, shot on location in Europe, was direct to video. The special effects are passable and the plot will mostly pass muster. Great to see Billy D, David Keith, and Angel Boris on screen. While E-E doesn't break any new ground by recycling themes from Alien, The Rock, and Independence Day, as well as trying to pass off clearly European actors/extras as US soldiers, the plot point were interesting enough to keep me hooked. Also we get a break some seeing the same old familiar actors of A-list Hollywood populate the screen, a welcome selling point for me.The worst part for me was the *terrible* recreation of UH-60 Black Hawk cabin/seating area. OMG the producers built massively unrealistic studio sets to stand in for the interior. Quite blatantly cheap-o!
shawn-27 The previous commenter got confused somehow. There were two devices. The one in Paris healed people but the one in Russia killed people. The men that injured and killed and then stayed so were at the Russian site. I wonder why they didn't bring up this difference when considering which of the devices they should attack, but I suppose that is asking for too much from a movie like this.Now if the poster wanted to talk about the bad things in the movie he could have brought up the dialog or perhaps the poorly thought out bad guys, or some of the other quick fixes the movie took. The bad guys didn't seem to have much reason for their decisions other than a fear of something different. They also seemed to miss a major plot point after all of their study.So while the movie isn't that good it did at least stay consistent. I wonder if we will be seeing a third movie in a few years to help further explain/muddy the water.
Robert Walker-Smith This was one of those "oh, look, I've never heard of this movie, wonder what it's like, let's give it a try" rentals.It didn't take very long to get the impression that it was a sequel to ANOTHER movie we'd never heard of, and why we hadn't. Not so much bad, as. . . strange. Is that character a baddie, or is the actress merely not very good? Now I discover that the disjointed dialogue is at least partially due to dubbing. Bulgaria, hmm? Well, that explains all the beautiful country landscapes alternating with anonymous soundstage interiors.The distressing part was, this was a good idea that will never be made into a good movie, because someone already made this movie.Spoiler - I did like the glowing floating jellyfish . . . thing inside the Torus, and the special effect of zapping people into some strange white-lit space - and then back to where they'd been before. Inexplicable, and strange in a good way. I got the feeling that whoever/whatever was behind the Toroiwas doing some High Weirdness, and it came out looking like what we were seeing. Then it was back to wooden acting, dubbed dialogue and inexplicable plot development. <Sigh>
vidalsdauphin Epoch: Evolution is nowhere near as good as the original, although David Keith and Billy Dee Williams do wonders with the week script. The original was better in every possible way, especially acting wise. The movie was filmed in Bulgaria to save movie and most of the cast had to their voices dubbed over. The special effects are decent, but for it's time and miniscule budget Epoch was able to pull off much better visuals. While the original had a fair amount of drama, and a few thrilling scenes Epoch 2 is dull.