Ex Drummer
Ex Drummer
NC-17 | 31 January 2007 (USA)
Ex Drummer Trailers

Three handicapped losers who form a band ask famous writer Dries to be their drummer. He joins the band and starts manipulating them.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
thesar-2 I'd like to start with the positive about 'Ex-Drummer.' The soundtrack was pretty good. Whew, now that's out of the way, let's really dissect this mess. The movie has no: likable, honorable or root-for characters; none. The movie has no: plot, just a shadow of one involving a devilish writer whose pleasure is to cause havoc on a "handicapped" band for his own amusement. The movie has no: beginning, middle or end; the movie was just there. I've heard this could be a cult hit and I agree: this drug-tripped, sadistic movie certainly belongs in a cult; it'd probably be good for recruitment. It would give good examples on how to mutate people, beat on homosexuals, the handicapped or handicapped homosexuals, use, abuse and hurt peers and family, violently rape both women and men and shout and swear at the top of your lungs as that seems to be the only "acceptable" form of communication. Aside from some stylish and ambitious scenes that certainly don't save the movie, I honestly can't see anyone enjoying this that's not into hard metal – the wonderful kind where you simply can't understand the singer's loud grunts and must participate in a painful mosh pit. To each his/her own, you might like this sad little movie. Heck, some people found comedy in it. Really, it's just depressing knowing there actually are people like these in the world.
GoldmundX A wildly original, very disturbing, portrayal of Belgium's dirty underbelly. A cynical writer who indulges himself with a short visit to life in the gutter by temporarily joining a punk band, does not only sit back to observe the tragic, utterly dysfunctional lives of his fellow band-mates, but takes a sardonic pleasure facilitating their complete downfall, tipping them over the edge. All sense of hope is overshadowed by an omnipresent grey cloud of nihilism.Ex Drummer is raw, dark, and hilarious. The dialogues are brilliant; the 'mongolites' are no match for the spot-on , unforgiving verbal punches of the writer, whose aloof arrogance does not originate from a moral high-ground. As there is no moral, there is no high-ground, there is no meaning. It is what it is. And it's not pretty. But very entertaining.
Paul Jennings When a famed Belgian author joins forces with a trio of rock wannabes he provides us with an insight into the debauched underworld that these three stooges struggle to exist in. This film is quite simply one of the most disturbing pictures I have ever come across. The misogyny and general contempt for mankind here leaves a bitter taste in the mouth sweetened only by the innovative cinematography and wonderfully creative direction of Belgian director Koen Mortier. The content in places is so horrific that it is difficult to be amused by the black humour and we are given not one character to empathise with thus hurrying ones appetite for their inevitably lurid demise. Probably best served with an episode of Friends after the film to ensure that you can sleep OK. Not one for the kiddies.
jayce2279 "Ex Drummer" is Belgian Koen Mortier's feature film debut, based on the book of controversial writer Herman Brusselmans. Set on the wrong side of the tracks of coastal city Oostende, the movie tells the story of Dries Van Hegen, a famous but arrogant intellectual writer who is asked by three social misfits to become a drummer in their band in order to obtain an award in the first rock rally of Leffinghe. Apparently, they thought they would increase their chances at fame and fortune if they had someone with name recognition to perform with them. Dries agrees, not in order to help them out but because he wants to wallow in the filth and misery that these three men's lives consist of, knowing that he can return to the comfort of his own luxury penthouse and have sex with his lovely girlfriends every night. The band's lead singer is Koen de Geyter, a lisping skinhead who spends his days beating up women, basically because they annoy him. The only woman that he is able to have sex with without killing her afterward is his homosexual bass guitarist Jan Verbeek's bald and bulky mother. Her mentally disabled husband, who still lives with her, but who had to be chained to his bed with a restraint jacket in order to prevent him from hurting himself, no longer sexually satisfies her. Apparently she became bald when she caught her son masturbating, causing him to suffer a permanent cramp in his right arm. The band's lead guitar player is Ivan van Dorpe, a 40 something junkie who is living in what can only be described as a pig stile. When Dries becomes acquainted with the man's wife, she immediately informs him her vagina smells bad because it's probably rotting from the inside. The only sane person in this household appears to be their baby girl, who eventually overdoses on cocaine, which was administered by her mother, because she couldn't stand her daughter's crying any longer. During the band's quest for super stardom, they are confronted with more lowlifes from the Oostende region, such as "Big Dick", a man whose penis is so large, he is unable to satisfy a woman sexually without mutilating her and who has a distaste for homosexuals that Dries eagerly exploits in order to settle a personal vendetta with one of Jan's boy toys. Although "Ex Drummer" is so far over the edge it's funny, it confronts the viewer with man's darkest urges and the filth it depicts is sometimes so close to the reality of everyday life, it's almost scary. This is by no means a feel good film and often takes a turn for the dramatic, especially when the characters' background is explained towards the end of the film. This, along with its experimental photography, raw, grungy look and punk rock soundtrack contributed to "Ex Drummer" winning numerous awards such as Best Feature Debut at London's Raindance film festival with, among others, Iggy Pop and the Clash's Mick Jones in the jury. Not recommended for the faint of heart and lovers of romantic comedies, though.