Double Take
Double Take
PG-13 | 12 January 2001 (USA)
Double Take Trailers

A man on the run takes another man's passport, only to find himself stuck with the identity of a street hustler.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
chuckecww3 Apparently some people DIDN'T like this movie, but its hard to see why. While certainly not destined to become a film classic, the miscellaneous plot holes are CERTAINLY no worse than most Hollywood fare, and as an overall movie I think rates a whole lot better than a lot of what's cranked out these days (2006). I REALLY enjoyed this movie, as did most of the other people who I have persuaded to watch the DVD, which I purchased after seeing the movie in the theater. JOnes and Griffin are both in great form, with the edge definitely going to Griffin's thoroughly brilliant comedy throughout. A great buddy movie, with great performances and production values, thoroughly entertaining, and very, very, funny. If you don't mind a movie that's not too cerebral, doesn't take itself too seriously, and doesn't aspire to be anything more than a thoroughly enjoyable comedic romp (with more than a few twists and a fair amount of action along the way), then you'll appreciate this. I don't think Mr. Gallo was aiming for an Oscar with this one, but it was completely satisfying for what it was. Incidentally, the music score and soundtrack were also remarkable.
MovieAddict2016 I caught this during a weekend afternoon on Comedy Central and was pleasantly surprised. I expected an insulting and stupid buddy movie, but found myself somewhat entertained. I guess that's the point, anyway - it's not high art; just an amusing, OK film that has a few good jokes and amiable enough performances.Orlando Jones plays a Harvard-educated lawyer who becomes involved in a murder conspiracy. He decides to make a run for Mexico to meet the only person who believes him at a rendezvous point - but along the way runs into authorities and, in an effort to ditch them, switches identities with an apparently homeless druggie (played by Eddie Griffin).The two men essentially play each other for the duration of the film - Griffin pretending to be a high-class black man and the educated black male stereotype pretending to be a loud-mouth black stereotype.Is this movie racist? I wouldn't say that. But it does rely on many stereotypes. Nevertheless, it comes across as passable due to the amusing performances and pace of the movie.It's nothing great, but it helped me pass the time on a dreary afternoon.
Empire-3 (sigh) Double Team is another useless action comedy. This movie didn´t have a theatrical run in Finland and I don´t wonder. You can see one this kind of movies made straight to video. Orlando Jones has been much better in other movies. The movie wasn´t funny, except one scene. Total waste of time. (3 points out of 10, *½ out of *****)
Threeman Director George Gallo penned MIDNIGHT RUN, one of the very best action / buddy-buddy pictures ever to have graced our screens. More than ten years on, and this feels like an ill-advised and incredibly anaemic imitation. The lead characters here are marginally appealing, but as the script races on at breakneck speed and virtually collapses under the number of twists, they are given precious room to develop and engage our sympathies. It all feels so very daft and inconsequential in the final analysis. A time-filler at best, but in the context of MIDNIGHT RUN, also a considerable letdown.