Midnight Special
Midnight Special
PG-13 | 18 March 2016 (USA)
Midnight Special Trailers

A father and son go on the run after the dad learns his child possesses special powers.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
TxMike My wife and I watched this at home on DVD from our public library. There are some supernatural elements and in certain scenes the whole viewing room shook. Of course you need a good subwoofer to feel that.The movie's theme plays on the many publicized cults that indoctrinate members and, on certain occasions, the cult leader "adopts" special children effectively taking them away from their natural parents who also are in the cult. His role is eventually minor but Sam Shepard is very effective as Calvin Meyer, the cult leader someplace in Texas.The movie starts with Michael Shannon as Roy, the special boy's dad, and his friend Joel Edgerton as Lucas, traveling at night with the boy, heading for the state line, towards N. Louisiana. Also involved is the boy's mother, Kirsten Dunst as Sarah. The special boy is Jaeden Lieberher, who more recently was so good as Henry in "Book of Henry" , as Alton. As we come to learn maybe he doesn't belong in this world.The movie is well-made, much of it involves the authorities trying to track down Alton while the parents begin to realize how special he is. Overall a modern fable, good movie for those who appreciate that type of story telling.
Michael Ledo May contain some plot/theme spoilers.Alton (Jaeden Lieberher) Alf would be too obvious, likes to listen to the radio...in his head. He repeats what he hears thus "speaking in tongues" which appeals to "The Ranch" a Texas cult built upon Alton's spewing including classified information which draws due diligent attention. Roy (Michael Shannon), a member of the group, absconds with his own child (adopted by the pastor) with the aide of a friend Lucas (Joel Edgerton) a policeman who is not a religious person. Mom (Kirsten Dunst) left the compound 2 years ago.Seems Alton has places to go, like Frank Lloyd Wright heaven, which appears near Pascagoula Mississippi?Now how this seemingly alien baby had human parents and had to live in the dark as an infant wasn't discussed in the film. This is a film which attempts to combine religion, spirituality and UFO sightings into one "real" explanation, although I liked "Altergeist" string theory better.The story was interesting even if the characters tilted to the stiff side and the dialogue mostly reeked as in the case of most serious sci-fi films where the script writer was too engrossed in the me-so-clever plot as to take a minute to create memorable characters.Guide: Could be viewed as going against the grain of religion. Minor PG swearing. No sex or nudity.
justin-fencsak When this movie first came out in theatres in limited release, it was met with muted fanfare yet critics liked it. Now that movie is now in heavy rotation on pay TV, more people will get a chance to see this amazing movie with a stellar cast, a good plot, and pretty good special effects. Fans of sci-fi will enjoy this little gem and appreciate the work that went into it.
krimzon The latest work by up and coming writer/director Jeff Nichols isn't as entertaining as I would have hoped, nor is the more artsy aspect of it particularly avant-garde, but it's a well-directed and beautiful piece of filmmaking. It follows a boy who possesses extraordinary powers as he struggles to find out who - or what - he is, while being chased by both the US Government and a religious cult which has formed around him and sees him as God. I have to admit, the plot is quite linear and doesn't tend to wander off course. However, the course which Nichols has selected isn't, I believe, the most interesting, entertaining or exciting one. The story just goes and goes and goes and goes and then ends quite abruptly. The main positive points of the film were its gorgeous score and minimalist tone throughout. Little emphasis is put on dialogue, which is challenging for the cast, who hold the piece together remarkably well. Nichols' writing is excellent and it is very well shot. The ending is also very emotional and sad in a way. But the luscious ambient score is definitely one of the high points, especially in an era of identikit orchestral fanfares and high-energy strings.8 / 10 (Great). More of a film for a lazy day as opposed to a weekend with your friends, but I get the feeling that having landed Kirsten Dunst, Joel Edgerton, Michael Shannon and Adam Driver - as well as the very talented Jaeden Lieberher - we haven't seen Nichols at his peak quite yet. But, by all means, this bodes well.