Clean and Sober
Clean and Sober
R | 10 August 1988 (USA)
Clean and Sober Trailers

Hotshot real estate salesman Daryl has a bad cocaine habit. After embezzling his company's money, he wakes up next to a girl who overdosed. To hide from the police, he checks into a rehabilitation program guaranteeing anonymity. Under the mentorship of counselor Craig, Daryl accepts that he has a substance abuse problem. As he falls in love with fellow patient Charlie, Daryl begins committing to a newly sober life.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
napierslogs Michael Keaton can act. I love him in comedy, but in a drama like "Clean and Sober" with his deliver of a few comedic dead-pan lines, he can't be beat. Although apparently the Academy thought differently."Clean and Sober" is a tough film to watch, dark and depressing. Based on most responses, it's probably one of the more realistic and better-executed drug and alcohol addiction movies. That's only if you can stand to watch it.I have very limited experience with drug and alcohol addiction and was unable to relate to any of the characters. I also couldn't muster up much sympathy or empathy for them either. I do love romance, but here I just wanted Keaton to get clean and sober and to not get involved with the women. With my lack of interest in the characters and their situations, this film offered me very little, and I found it boring and slow-moving.The film also doesn't seem to stand up to the test of time. Very dark lighting that made it look like a bad 70s cop show. But then again with its dark content, that might be on purpose.My personal recommendation is to not watch "Clean and Sober" but if you are looking for a drug and alcohol addiction film, or are taking a class on Michael Keaton roles, then this is certainly worth a look.
ijonesiii Michael Keaton turned in the performance of his career in CLEAN AND SOBER, a somber, yet riveting 1988 drama which starred Keaton as Daryl Poynter, a go-getter real estate agent who is in complete denial about a serious problem he has with drugs and alcohol. A serious night of partying goes deadly wrong for Daryl and he finds himself a fugitive from the law and decides to hide out at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center, aware of their rules regarding confidentiality. Daryl resists the program initially, still in denial, but eventually comes to realize that he is really an alcoholic and a drug addict and that he must deal with this realization if he ever wants to look at himself in the mirror again. This movie is gritty and uncompromising in its realistic depiction of drug and alcohol addiction and where the addiction can take you. Daryl is depicted breaking into his office looking for money as well as calling his parents asking them them to apply for a second mortgage on their house so that they can lend him the money. These scenes are frighteningly realistic for those who have dealt with addiction or have a loved one caught in the grips of addiction. Michael Keaton delivers a powerhouse performance, the best of his career, as Daryl, the big shot who sees his world crumbling around him and continues to deny what the root of the problem really is. Morgan Freeman gives his usual solid performance as the head counselor at the rehab center. Kathy Baker, Tate Donavan, and Claudia Christian also offer solid support as fellow rehab clients and M. Emmett Walsh plays Daryl's sponsor, a relationship Daryl accidentally stumbles into. If you have ever had a problem with drugs or alcohol or care about someone who does, CLEAN AND SOBER is an important film to see and ponder. The film doesn't answer all the questions that may come to mind about the disease of addiction, but it clearly shows where denial can take someone suffering from the disease A riveting and powerful film that should not be missed.
Tim Ruf If you want to truly enjoy this movie, watch it with someone who has been through rehab (well, actually, he did a couple of times) and has some recovery time. (about 20 years at the time we watched this movie together) My friend and I watched this movie and He was fully impressed as was I, having seen this process taking place in the lives of several of my friends.Micheal Keaton's character goes through all the stages of recovery; the crash and burn - hitting bottom, faking it, making it and getting on the road of recovery. With a sponsor who is exactly what he needed - a bastard with a heart - he gains insight into his own life and finds his direction.What I enjoyed was that the movie did not pound a point into us. As if we could not get the concept. It let us gather in what was told and watch what happened. We see some in sight into the mind of the addict, without it being a person we really could care less about. Some how we feel for him and want him to find a good path.My friend told me that the scenes in rehab were authentic, complete with the sex that takes place. 13th stepping as they call it.Keaton plays the role so well you can forget who he is and take in the character.If you know someone who is working a recovery, you might enjoy watching this with them, not only for what they can tell you, but for what you might learn about them.
triple8 Clean and sober maybe the movie that gives the most honest look at addictions ever made. An absolute must see for anyone who has ever suffered from an addiction-as well as friends and family members of addicts.The character build up moves very slowly(not a criticism at ALL) But a certain level of maturity IS definetly needed to watch this. A very realistic well acted movie. Why don't more people know about this?