Bigfoot The Movie
Bigfoot The Movie
NR | 29 May 2015 (USA)
Bigfoot The Movie Trailers

Bigfoot has come to the town of Ellwood City, PA and is causing BIG problems. Now it’s up to three town locals to take him down. Funded by a Kickstarter campaign and filmed in Ellwood City, LA Filmmaker and hometown hero Jared Show assembled a colorful cast of characters from all over the region to bring his vision to life! The movie features some of Pittsburgh’s most famous and best loved celebrities like Curt Wootton (Pittsburgh Dad), Joanie Dodds (America’s Next Top Model), Jim Krenn (stand-up comic, formerly of the WDVE morning show), Mike Wysocki (WDVE), and even veteran news anchor Darieth Chisolm (formerly of WPXI) among others. In this comedy/horror flick mullets, guns and beer are in full supply as the movie skewers the Pittsburgh ‘Yinzer’ stereotype right alongside the Bigfoot myth

Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Alistair Olson After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
CertainlySocrates Looking for terrible horror movies on Amazon late one night, I was surprised to find this suitable looking candidate mention Ellwood City, PA in its description -- only a few hours away from me. (There is another Pennsylvania bigfoot movie, Suburban Sasquatch, that has begun to gather some an audience and some acclaim -- or rather, notoriety.) Encourage by this fateful serendipity, the night's film was chosen. It wasn't very good.In an interview with a local paper, the director said he tried to capture the character of Western PA. By my account he succeeded; the people, the undulated streets, the woods, well, it all feels like home. But other than that there isn't a whole lot going for this movie. Although this is a "horror-comedy" by some classifications, there is zero focus on the horror element. There are some horror tropes, and people get murdered, but there's no attempt to make it scary. Which is fine. But what is not fine is that basically any scene that's not meant to be comedy per se is terrible. The bigfoot attacks and dramatic scenes are devoid of tension. That's the kind of thing that's not easily forgiven for lack of budget or being a B-movie spoof.What you get in this movie is mostly people standing around cracking jokes that sometimes hit and mostly miss. The actors are passable; I don't recall anyone being particularly incompetent. Oh, and the creature is surprisingly good looking, not at all what I was expecting. Come to think of it, there was a gore scene that also had a disgusting effect. Maybe that's where most of the budget went?Anyway -- this isn't offensively bad. I can see people with a less uptight sense of humor enjoying this, probably with drinks and friends. Personally it's not for me.
bmoviep Bigfoot the movie is one of the best Bigfoot related films I've seen. (Which is saying a lot). Creator John R Hand took a tired formula and managed to an make entertaining film, largely due to the clever writing and subtle comedy style. The sound and visual quality was top notch, especially for an indie film and the score was perfectly selected for each scene. The characters were fun to watch and served as the film's greatest strength. Having a cast of unsophisticated red necks could have easily led to nothing more than a frenzy of tired clichés. However, Bigfoot: The Movie took the high ground and made the majority of jokes premise driven, elevating them above cheap gags. However, being a comedy about Bigfoot fighting rednecks the film was not entirely above cheap gags and toilet humor. These jokes were overall funny as well due to comedic timing and the fact that no single joke was drawn out longer than necessary. I mean, if I were face to face with Sasquatch, I'd probably need a few drinks to get through the ordeal as well. Anyone who lives or has lived around Western Pennsylvania will appreciate regional jokes and Pittsburgh slang present throughout the film, adding an extra layer of charm. The only noticeable flaw from this film is it's unfortunate habit of dragging in places, which occasionally slows down the otherwise steady pacing. This is particularly prevalent regarding the romance and drama between characters. These moments don't seem to added much to the plot, nor do they develop the characters in any meaningful way. However, these moments are few and far between concerning the film as a whole. It would be wrong not to credit this film for using a Bigfoot costume that actually didn't look like a cheap planet of the apes knock off. Overall, Bigfoot the movie is clever comedy that's guaranteed to satisfy both long time Bigfoot fans, as well as anyone looking for an excuse to drink.
brian-cartwright2 For a budget of $100k, mostly raised on KickStarter, it hardly showed in the final product. Sure, some of the secondary actors might have a little stiff in their delivery, but the big four of Curt Wootton, Jared Show, Nathan Magill and Joanie Dodds really delivered the laughs.Wootton and Show did a fine job with the writing of a comedy/horror pic, which they described as "a love letter to western Pennsylvania." With all the big actors from the area, I had been fascinated with the idea of a movie shot in Pittsburghese, and I'm sure that all a'yinz will agree that these guys pulled it off.A hilarious, campy take on the people and horror movies they grew up with.
Leann Neal So funny!!!! I can watch this over and over. I love each of the characters. The Bigfoot costume is out of this world. I got a chance to see it at the Oaks Theater and it was pretty awesome! Every time I watch it I find something new and funny that I missed before. I can't wait till the sound track comes out. I'm really hoping they make a sequel. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone but make sure you watch all the way through the credits.... I bought DVD's for my family. I'm really hoping they make more merchandise available! You can download the movie and get awesome merchandise on the website. Thanks for the laughs!!!