R | 01 May 2015 (USA)
Anti-Social Trailers

Central London, today; Dee is an anarchic street-artist confronting the system, Marcus is an armed robber on a jewellery store crime-wave. For the two brothers, being Anti-Social is a way of life.

Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
TeeJay1992 Dee (Gregg Sulkin) is a graffiti artist who wants to go to Berlin with his girlfriend to further his graffiti art studies. He doesn't associate with his brother's dangerous activities like breaking into jewelry stores with some other hoodrats. It's great seeing the gun shootouts and chase scenes. My heart was literally beating out of my chest during this airport scene near the end of the movie. Have fun with this movie! I watched it on Netflix.
dcmMovielover Strong performances with an authentic variety of characters and decent although fairly simple storyline, it is a film about young professional criminals. They are not masterminds (they're not particularly bright in any sense) they are one-time delinquent youth now graduated to 20-somethings. Kicking-off with a high energy jewel-store heist when jumpsuit clad motorbike-riders crash through a shopping mall with sledge hammers, inter-cut with a pair of hoodies spraying aerosol flames at policemen as they are chased from doing graffiti over railway lines, you expect this film is going to be a solid punch in the guts. And I'm pleased to say that it is, at least for the most part. Enter the gritty domains of siblings Marcus and Dee, their girlfriends, partners in crime, and their rivals. Their father had been a bank robber back in the day, and while Dee is only a petty crook cum graffiti artist, Marcus has gone into the family trade with his own gang and brand of armed robbery; 'smashing and grabbing' Gold Rolex watches on motorbikes. The film is a back and forth between Dee's life, as he goes from being a delinquent graffiti artist to a ghetto poster-boy of the wealthy urban art dealers, and Marcus' life as he and his gang rob every jewellers and occasional drug-dealer until they have enough swag to do what all armed-robbers do; move into the drugs business. The film is a nose-dive into the world of young gangsters and one which rings more true than the usual fare of stereo-type hard-nuts and violence for the sake of it (in fact compared with most gang films they seem like choir boys until they've got a shotgun or axe in hand). At times it slips into melodrama when Dee and his American girlfriend (Rachel from "Suits") ponder over careers and the meaning of art, but it is held up by the manic drive of Marcus' gangster life, his criminal ascension, and the relationship between the two brothers. A prolonged gun fight outside a busy city nightspot is staged with a brilliance rarely seen in British films and is a chilling reminder of the violence of young gangsters in London, likewise an extended, very violent aggravated robbery scene carried out by the rival gang which is the film's darkest moment, makes Anti-Social one of the more poignant British dramas of 2015.
fjellihakon I am seventeen years old, and I think this movie is most suited for teenagers. This movie is one of the best, nerve-racking films I have ever seen. It starts out hard but kind of cheesy, then you get to know the characters in this brilliant movie. It takes bit of a time to you get to the real nerve-racking action, but when you get there, it's no stopping. I love how they build up the characters with different dreams and opportunities, and make them blend together to make this movie the most epic movie ever made. Definitely a MUST- SEE movie. If you don't get caught up by the story at first, give it time and you will not regret. If you like gang-rebellion, drugs, robbery, street art and thrills, this is definitely your kind of movie.
kasperdyrendal I will start by saying that I see a lot of movies. So many movies that I always check the description on IMDb and the score. Then I also watch the reviews to see what other people think. There were only two other reviews and they were pretty much bad reviews. But it does have a score of 6 and I could not find another movie to watch. So I thought "I will just give it a try" and I am glad I did! This is a good movie! I don't know what the other two people were expecting from this, but maybe something like "Snatch" as one of the other reviewers compared it to this. I, however, think it's more like "The Town" with Ben Affleck and Jeremy Renner. There are two brothers. They have a really good relationship but they aren't alike. One is really into art "grafitti" and the other is in a gang of four people. The gang rob jewelries and we also see them use guns sometimes. But even though the two brothers have separated lives, their paths still cross as they want to help each other any way they can. I won't give any spoilers and therefor I won't say anymore about the storyline. The acting is great. The camera works great as well. Everyone does a good job. I did not find anything wrong with the ending. We are told everything we need to know. We also see a bit more after the credits have begun - so don't stop the movie right away when the credits begin ;) I give this movie 10 stars out of 10. Don't hesitate to watch it and if my review isn't enough to persuade you, then watch the trailer or something and just give it a go :) You will know from the beginning if this is not a movie for you :)