Mercury Plains
Mercury Plains
R | 05 January 2016 (USA)
Mercury Plains Trailers

A troubled man runs away to Mexico and is recruited to join a paramilitary group of teens fighting the drug cartels. He proves himself to the group, but questions their motive.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
posterelli As a fan of his father's, it is refreshing to see another Eastwood in an action western role. Young Mr. Eastwood played a very good believable role. The acting was excellent. The plot was original. The directing was excellent. I look forward to seeing more movies of this type from these people. The movie could have been a little longer. No regrets. I give it A's for effort, originality and really just a great movie in this genre. This is a man's movie... not a critic's movie. Respect earned.
Gordon-11 This film tells the story of a young man who has little future in his home town in the United States. He goes to Mexico with a friend for a bit of fun, but ends up being recruited to join a gang that targets drug dealers for their money."Mercury Plains" isn't a bad film. It is just that Scott Eastwood is too handsome and clean shaven to be believable in his role. In addition, when the gang is solely made up of teenage boys, one would really doubt the authenticity of the operation. The fact that he doubts his boss isn't immediately obvious either, because he is an introverted character. Overall, there are some good moments in the film, such as the abduction scene.
mikekozel In a world of seasoned pros, young genius, and serious money, it is amazing to see a property with the Eastwood tag so mishandled, badly directed, obviously posed, set in a ridiculous and sloppy script, and dished out to the public as some beefcake manboy that can be shot at times to give us that glimpse of that tobacco spitting, grizzled icon we really loved. Rowdy Yates had better lines, better direction, better support, and a charisma this kid ain't got,and that was TV. The horse this new kid rode in on should be in the glue factory along with all the other dead horses. Incompetent management of this magnitude is really amazing. Not reading much about the flick? There is nothing here to write about.
voigaswolpertinger so its time to write my first review. i found this movie, after having seen dawn patrol and figured it could have some similarities. but nope, let alone some dry desert scenes they got nothing in common. filming itself, the shots and all equipment seemed quite professional, yet that wont make up for a bad strange story. some lost kids being trained to wage guerrilla warfare on drug cartels to rip them off and make cash? crossing the line from proposed vigilante behavior to becoming criminals themselves? nah thanks. so well, there is sure worse stuff packed in films but for me it was crap. have a good one as it seems i gotta write a few more lines, lets say, Eastwood acted quite okay. the boss of the guerrilla was a total psycho and his 19!!! year old girlfriend not much of a looker. i got no idea why i did watch it to the end really.