Anita, Swedish Nymphet
Anita, Swedish Nymphet
R | 01 July 1975 (USA)
Anita, Swedish Nymphet Trailers

Anita, a young woman with a troubled childhood and a hunger for love, finds a soul mate in Erik, a kindly college student.

Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Claudio Carvalho The seventeen year-old outcast Anita (Christina Lindberg) has neither a good relationship with her parents and sister nor has friends. She is a nymphomaniac and has intercourse and BJ with most of the men in her little town regardless of their ages. When she meets the psychology student Erik (Stellan Skarsgård), he brings her to live with his friends that are artists and she discloses her sexual experiences to him. Further, Erik discuss her problem with his adviser, he also realizes that he has fallen in love with her. But Anita needs an orgasm to cure first before staying with Erik."Anita" (1973) is a Sweden-French movie of exploitation about a seventeen year-old nymphomaniac forty years before the hype in the Lars von Trier's "Nymphomaniac". The story lines are the same, but the Danish director has detailed the plot along four hours running time. Stellan Skarsgård works in both movies listening to the nymphomaniac. My vote is five.Title (Brazil): Not Available.
christopher-underwood This is a good solid well made film and not at all like I expected. Indeed although there is much sexual activity depicted, we see nothing like as much of Christina Lindberg as we do in say, Exposed. Because the film is serious we do not get an exploitative showing of the leading lady's numerous liaisons and due to the constant reminding that these are desperate encounters of an unhappy young girl, we find ourselves in a rather uncomfortable position for most of the time. There are moments, nevertheless! For those that reckon Lindberg cannot act, she certainly does well enough here in many a varied situation, be it talking with her psychiatrist chum, trying to relate to her parents, or sucking some old man's d***. Stellan Skarsgard, who plays the said psychiatrist, and very convincingly too, he had a most illustrious career ahead of him and is still very much working today, having appeared and even sung in Mamma Mia! Worth seeing but it is rather downbeat a lot of the time.
lazarillo People debate today whether there really is such a thing as nymphomania, or if it was just a term pinned on women who tried to lead a naturally healthy sex life back in much more repressive, Victorian times when such a thing was not permissible. One thing's for sure though , if this particular movie is based on a real story as it claims to be, this girl definitely had a serious problem. The girl in this movie (played by Cristina Lindberg) , will sleep with anybody, and I do mean ANYBODY. This turns her into a social outcast (because of course, nobody likes a beautiful girl who wants to have sex all the time). She's like a junkie in her compulsion, begging for the key to a friend's apartment so she can have quickies with unattractive businessmen she picks up at the train station. And when one kindly elderly guy tries to console her after an unsatisfying sexual encounter, she drops to her knees to give him the b.j. of his life.All this is treated in a very serious, at times almost depressing manner, and Lindberg gives a very earnest performance. Since I doubt too many people then or now watched this movie out of concern for the social problem of nymphomania (more likely they wanted to know where they could find a girl like this), this move and Lindberg's performance may seem pretty campy. I have to say though I'd much rather see a movie like this that sets out to be somewhat serious and falls into camp than a movie that aims at camp and falls flat on its face. And though Lindberg will never be mentioned in the same breath as Greta Garbo, her overly seriously performance here is infinitely better than most modern-day "cult actresses" and "scream queens" camping and mugging their way through movies that they (very erroneously) consider beneath their talents.In any case, campy or not, this movie definitely succeeds as exploitation thanks to Lindberg doffing her duds every five minutes or so. If you've never seen Cristina Lindberg, she's kind of like really sexy mutant or mythical beast--she has the face of an innocent teenage Swedish schoolgirl attached to the body of a voluptuous burlesque-era stripper (which is not at all to say that her appeal is limited to those who dig schoolgirls or burlesque strippers). Her most memorable scene here is where she and her goody-good twin sister are singing for their parents' friends and she turns the occasion into an impromptu full-monty striptease. And if you are a fan of Lindberg, or become one after this movie, also check her out in "Thriller--a Cruel Picture" (a favorite of Quentin Tarantino), her first film "Maid in Sweden", the German "schulmadchen report" films in which she was a regular, and the unbelievably depraved film "Depraved" (sadly unavailable in English). She's almost always worth the price of admission all by herself.
EVOL666 I saw this disc offered by Synapse at the latest Horrorfind Convention, and immediately the cover of a topless Christina Lindberg caught my attention. I didn't purchase the disc at the convention, but needless to say, I grabbed this one up the first chance I had.ANITA is the story of a misunderstood 17-year-old nymphomaniac outcast (Lindberg) who bones anyone and everyone in sight. Shunned by her family and everyone in town, Anita whiles away her days and nights in the arms (and beds, and floors, and coat-rooms, etc...) of any willing man (and in some cases, woman) she lays eyes on. During one of her clandestine "rendevous'" she accidentally runs into (literally...) a young psychology student who takes an interest in her and her "illness". The two form a platonic friendship as the budding psychologist attempts to figure out the cause, and better yet, a cure for young Anita's ailment...Honestly - this film isn't that great. It's a little too serious in tone to be a fun, sexploit style erotic romp - and yet a bit too shallow to be very thought-provoking. Lindberg looks amazing (as usual...) and does a decent job of playing the role of the conflicted, sometimes ruthless, but always "fragile", girl-next-doorish sex-addict - and as would be expected, she provides several nude-scenes (the main reason for my above average rating). Unfortunately, as this film seems to try to be a semi-serious "case-study" of this troubled young girl - the sex scenes are more sad than arousing. It's also a damn shame that Lindberg never did any hard-core scenes, as this would have easily gotten this film a 37-out-of-10 from me. Serious Lindberg fans will most definitely wanna cop this one, most others will probably find it pretty dull. At least it's FAR better than the extremely boring Swedish WILDCATS, which also has Lindberg in it - but she is grossly underused in that film. 7/10 for ANITA - but only because of the several Lindberg nude shots...