The Cleaner
The Cleaner
TV-14 | 15 July 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    bethduffy95 As a former addict I can say this show is on point. I just wish it was was continued. Benjamin Bratt does an awesome job as an interventionist even with the risk of losing his own family. So sad it was not renewed! he sacrifices his own family to do the good works. It hit home for me and an emotional roller coaster ride in the life of an addictive and an interventionist, even if you haven't been exposed to addicts this show is heart wrenching, I would recommended this 2 season show for the relationships and how they are like a real couple.after Law & Order......Benjamin kaplaus this character to perfection. Worth the watch! I hate that it was cancelled. I didn't even know it exsited. Well done on all parts. Give it a's well produced and directed. And finally, the actors play their parts to Perfection!
    MemphisChik I loved the show at first, but watching the "in your face" drug use does make me uncomfortable. Especially with Arnie's relapse so graphically portrayed. With a husband struggling with addiction, it's difficult to see the drug use, so vivid in HD, in our living room. I have to give the show's creators big applause for the realistic portrayal of drugs in all walks of society. Unfortunately, sometimes it's just too realistic for me. I tend to watch television for an escape and, living with addiction, this show doesn't provide an escape. William Banks is a lifesaver for many and his story can provide hope for families struggling with addiction. I just would like to see more innuendo towards drugs and less blatant drug use. That may be unrealistic in a show of this nature, I admit. So perhaps I just need to change the channel.
    mlsongbirdkeyofc I began watching this show with the very first episode. I maybe would have not given it much thought, however, my husband has been in recovery from addiction for about 14 months now. He loves the show and can relate to so many of the addicts Mr. Banks helps. It is real for him. I like the show and can relate with the families of the addict. My husband and I have been married 25 years and addiction has been a major struggle in both our families for most of our lives. This show is a wonderful look at both sides of the addiction. Not only the addict but also the affects it has on the family member dealing with the addict... I will look forward to many more episodes of The Cleaner. God bless William Banks for saying, I'm not gonna take it anymore... My husband would love to meet the man behind the show. Is there a way???
    Kenny Belliveau William Banks was an addict himself. He could never find a means to cope with it. He almost lost his entire family, until one man helped him. Since then he has sworn his life to the same thing. He wants to help others, he wants them to be clean. He knows they are on the wrong path, a path to nowhere. William sees they are heading for disaster, so he tries to interfere before it is to late. Things may not always work out for the best, but William is likely to do all he can.Benjamin Bratt is amazing as William. He just seems to fit. William is now a man of faith but he is still in jeopardy of being broken, of falling from something back into the life he used to have. William is on edge, living everyday as though it could be his last, he wants to help, he is just not always sure he can.He would love to be able to help everyone, but people need to be willing to help themselves first.The Cleaner is one of the best T.V shows I have ever watched. It is deep, moving, powerful and dramatic. It is all you can ask for in a series and teaches you a few life lessons along the way.