| 24 September 1996 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Micransix Crappy film
    Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
    SnoopyStyle Emotionally distressed Isabel Lukens (Kimberly Williams-Paisley) is alone in Rome. Fellow American Leo Roth (David Conrad) sees her LA Clippers cap and they strike up a Roman holidays fling. Back in the States, Isabel has to deal with boyfriend Everett who is beloved by her parents and looking to propose. She has two sisters; Jennifer with volatile poet boyfriend Dean and Karen married to Alan. Leo has his roommate Doug (Adam Goldberg) and his dysfunctional family. His sister Rhonda is a lesbian. His father Barry lives with his grandpa and younger brother Jake.This is a beautiful looking couple. Their romance could be more magical. It has Italy but it needs more romantic epic. Everett is not that big of a villain. In fact, their relationship is probably the third or fourth most compelling of the show. Doug and Karen is the most interesting. Jake has a great one episode Romeo&Juliet epic romance with guest star Holly Marie Combs. Even Jennifer's rotating love-life is competitive with them. This is produced by those who made 'Once and Again' and 'My So-Called Life'. There are some great episodes, an appealing central couple, and lots of great side characters.
    Kathing A sweet show. Definitely more of a drama than the nighttime soap-opera many may have thought of it as, and in a situation that many could relate (no pun intended) to. The opening episode has Isabele returning from a trip abroad where she met and started a relationship with a man other than her fiancé, who was waiting at home. What follows is a deep study of how old friends and relatives by-proxy remain that way and intertwine with new ones.I definitely would suggest it if you can catch it in reruns (I haven't seen it listed anywhere) and will be buying it as a gift for a friend who absolutely adored the show.
    foxbrick-1 This was a charming series, and probably from ABC's perspective producers Zwick and Herskowitz's "second strike" after the short run of their MY SO-CALLED LIFE, and before the undersupported but three-season run of ONCE AND AGAIN. THIRTYSOMETHING, their briefly hit series from several seasons previously, had been a trendsetter, if a bit precious to my taste; MY/LIFE, their followup dealing with teens, had been an improvement, and surely has reverberated with its audience in a way few series have; RELATIVITY, dealing primarily with a couple in their twenties and their families, friends, and colleagues, was better yet, and deserved much more support from network and audience alike. (ONCE AND AGAIN, the FORTYSOMETHING show which followed, was even better, as far as I'm concerned, but that doesn't diminish the excellent quality of this neglected series.) Yes, let's have those DVDs!
    nycowgirl This show was amazing with lots of substance, character and great stories and wonderful acting. Something lacking in a lot of the crap that's on today (and even when this came on there was a lot of junk on). TVGuide even predicted, in it's annual preview of new shows, that it probably wouldn't last because it was really good with lots of substance and intelligence, and they were right. I watched it from day one until it went off and because I knew it probably wouldn't last with today's (even back then) unimaginative and dimwitted audiences, I taped it. I also pray and hope they put it on DVD on day. The romance, the development of the relationship between the two leads, who were so amazing together, the reality of a relationship after the pixie dust wears off a little and how to deal with that, was all handled very well. GREAT SHOW, FANTASTIC SHOW!! Too bad they don't put stuff like this on TV anymore, just lots of crappy reality shows, blah!!
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