TV-14 | 10 March 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
    ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
    Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
    Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
    Claudiu Pana From all the shows with people that have powers, this one was the 2nd best, after Heroes, in my opinion. I enjoyed this show a lot, but Susan Heyward (Deena Pilgrim)really made it difficult for me to watch it. I mean I know every show has a hysterical annoying woman, but this time I hated every second of every scene that had her in it. Even the actress has that annoying face you'd wish to punch all day. Her attitude, always negatively replying to anything anyone said to her, combined with her stupid look on her face, created the most annoying person I've ever seen. And some positive thoughts, I first saw Sharlto Copley (Christian Walker) in District 9 - great movie, then Chappie and I think he really is a really good actor. Anyway, nice show, hope Sony will attempt more episodes sometime.
    nicolect-88576 its different okay in some ways the story line is good characters are a hit and miss mediocre in others i have to say i wish they would kill Deena off already shes a total B1tch to everyone everything. she seems to hate people with powers and has a bad attitude about everything. when Sgt.Tiberio was first introduced in the show (as a disabled veteran) Deena offensively asks "what is that" who would say something so offensive to a handicap vet who fought wars so how can such an ignorant intolerant character be considered a supposed "good cop" in this show I'm not sure why no one has spoken out about her. bottom line i would give this show an 8 if she were killed off already.
    victorcardiss Not only are the scripts and characters predictable and utterly unoriginal but there's no reason to get to like these characters. The production company have lost all sense of viewer investment and (on just one episode) I could care less about the miserable protagonists who have to read this foul and abusive script. I already know there'll be no surprises that I couldn't have seen coming from a planet away and did I mention the completely overworked expletives (OK we get it... he a troubled soul with a rebellious streak)I grew up on comic books and super heroes but you've served a dish that isn't suitable for my children and I to watch together. I won't be watching a second episode.Finally, if my comment was peppered with the liberal sprinkling of expletives, you wouldn't allow it to be posted would you...(Jesus Sxxt is a new one but no more imaginative than the usual 'Holy Sxxt')What a shame... in future why not run the trailers later in the schedule and show the viewers just how foul the scripting is. (something about honest advertising)Note: I'm astonished... When I posted my review it was rejected because I used an expletive that was used in the script. Well done. Now if you could have a word with the script writers about decency and acceptable standards
    westsideschl If graphic comic books occupy a part of your life. If escapism fantasy from the dregs of life is your personal savior then Detective Walker (they always have these country stud names) is your newest hero. As usual it's the stereotype of a scruffy looking detective with personal issues. It seems as if the British Bond dapper style has lost its currency. Of course we have the usual partner that's the polar opposite. Mandatory to add enough interpersonal conflict to keep the story rolling until the next shootout. Speaking of shootouts, the very first scene of the very first episode, he did a cop really bad no-no by leaving his then (now dead) partner alone with a much larger and very aggressive nasty looking dude. Subsequently replaced by that newbie partner who also fulfills the series token ethnic and gender diversity quota.Plot: Fight superbaddies using the basic tools (guns) and hope you get your own superpower back.Anyway, lots of cheap effects editing to make someone appear then disappear; cheap bloody dead person prosthetics; really bad CGI of Superman (and most every superhero after him) style flying. Dumbed down dialogue (9th grade ed required). Much better current offerings are, "Justified", "True Detectives" season one, "Sherlock", maybe "Fargo", all offer better scripts, sets, acting.