| 16 June 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
    sahib-92833 This show offered something new and I just cant wait for the next season to air.The finale literally had me on the edge of my seat. It was intriguing to see a show on afterlife. It has all the elements one would hope for in a good show.I really liked the screenplay and the way they depicted afterlife. I found the acting superb. The writing is brilliant if you ask me. This show has a huge potential to grow and a lot of uncharted territory to build upon. Looking forward to season 2 as there are so many questions that needs to be answered.So, according to me its a must watch.
    José Laurentino Neto A perfect story with a perfect ending!Scream if you want, complaint if you want, but this was perfect: a well rounded fiction with the perfect story line.The ending? If this episode was it, it was just perfect!An impossible quest with answers that no one would ever accept.For me it was "CONTACT" all over again: people choose belief over fact; specially when fact is not and cannot be everyone's knowledge.Plato? Oh yes, "The Allegory of the Cave".I liked the entire thing even though I do not believe, for one trillionth of a second that is anything beyond death. Your last breath is the end of your existence here, there, or anywhere.Even if there was something after death, there would be no way to carry on your life features into it. And, again, who can proof me wrong?
    LA Carlson For those of us looking for something original on cable we have many challenges. Proof is produced by TNT and actress Kyra Sedgwick. I give actress Jennifer Beals high praise for always trying something new. Beals, at 51, is a gorgeous, intelligent, private woman who appears to enjoy projects which challenge her. I love everything she does and her portrayal of a top notch, arrogant, yet emotional Cardiothoracic Surgeon feels accurate to me. Proof confronts the issue of death and is set in a fictional medical environment in Seattle. Much of the cast are actors you probably won't recognize which is refreshing in and of itself. They all give compelling performances. Proof presents the audience with questions about the afterlife and it's up to the audience to decide what they want to believe. It's one of only a very select shows I take time to watch on cable.
    daniel-schlachta A filthy rich entrepreneur who is used to getting what he wants by waving his checkbook discovers that he has cancer and does not have much longer to live. So he wants to know what happens when he dies, whether there is a life after death. Being the visionary that he is he decides that the answer is somewhere and just hasn't been found yet. So he enlists, or rather coerces, the help of a brilliant female surgeon who is struggling with a near death experience and has recently suffered the loss of a child - but no clue about social interactions or philosophy or science in general - as his researcher in the capacity of voice of reason. Add to the mix a Senegalese intern who is wise and servile, a cliché teenage daughter and an estranged husband who, apart from one extramarital night out, seems to be incapable of doing anything wrong. Oh, and a best-selling author who might or might not be a huckster.Sounds absurd yet? I haven't even started. The only reason I didn't switch this one off is because for some time I couldn't figure out who the intended audience is. I also wondered what they would throw in to make the details more interesting (answer: nothing).To leave on a positive note: perfect for a nerdy drinking game.EDIT: Episode 3-5Basically everything I criticized in my - admittedly very scathing - review has gone. They must have fired the screenwriter and hired a decent one. People are suddenly people and behave like that. The dialogue has improved immensely. No more pseudo-philosophical claptrap, even Matthew Modine's character has something to say (albeit copied from Marvin Minsky but what the heck.) All in all I've never seen such a piece of trash turned into a quite watchable show.