| 16 June 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Bereamic Awesome Movie
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
    Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
    sahib-92833 This show offered something new and I just cant wait for the next season to air.The finale literally had me on the edge of my seat. It was intriguing to see a show on afterlife. It has all the elements one would hope for in a good show.I really liked the screenplay and the way they depicted afterlife. I found the acting superb. The writing is brilliant if you ask me. This show has a huge potential to grow and a lot of uncharted territory to build upon. Looking forward to season 2 as there are so many questions that needs to be answered.So, according to me its a must watch.
    Diddisnap I wasn't expecting too much from Proof as there are many new shows each season that start out good and fall apart fairly quickly. I have to say that this series just seems to be getting better and better and I find myself looking forward to each new episode. So far it doesn't seem to be getting wrapped up in supernatural ridiculousness, just the search for truth and for me, it keeps the show more real. As long as the writers don't veer off into the Twilight Zone, I think this show could be around for the long haul. Also, there are some outstanding performances, particularly by Jennifer Beals, Matthew Modine, and Edi Gathegi.
    evelynmoracastro O.k. I tried to wrote this review in Spanish but the system does not let me. So I will try to write it in English, so forget me if I make grammar mistakes. Although the pilot was projected on t.v just yesterday in my country, on TNT Series, I want to say... I am dying to wathc the next episode, even if the plot is not to different, and the psychology of the characters are to similar at the common people whose had to loose someone they loved experience. I am curious about the view from the creators and the guionist, they want to make us believe, or they have more evidence or proof to show us. I want to watch more episodes because the theme about life after life is just interesting and wonderful. After that, the plot, actors and escenography were convincing for me. Thanks everyone!
    freddiebjohnson I really liked this. At the beginning I thought Jennifer Beals might be too young and pretty to play the lead but I was wrong. She is a strong actress and very convincing as both a skeptic and a real person. Her daughter is believable as a teenager (what a vulnerable time of life) who is having to live with tragedy, as well as a breaking home. Like any American of her age and social environment, she's a little spoiled and not coping well with her circumstances. The young Dr. from Kenya, is believable and entertaining. He balances humor with intelligence. The billionaire's character is portrayed correctly too, authoritative, manipulating and determined. The story holds together well, I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.
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