My Haunted House
My Haunted House
| 04 May 2013 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    YouHeart I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Leoni Haney Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
    Allissa .Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    tangledgecko This show is seriously a sham. If you don't believe me, watch the "Lights in the Night" episode... the eyewitness (and I use that term loosely) was clearly speaking from a script, her delivery was hollow and inauthentic. There was no genuine emotion, just a recitation of lines. As for her haunted house story, it seems totally scripted and embellished. It honestly just seemed like I was watching a 30 minute B horror movie.
    Melusine Caucophony I for one loved this series, what of it I've seen, it's well done I think. Even if it's actors reenacting the stories they're believable and seem genuine. I agree with an earlier statement that said that some of the stories are multiple stories combined into one, for instance, in the Butcher House story part of that sounds like the Los Feliz of Dr. Harold Parelson in L.A. who killed his wifey with a hammer before attempting to kill his kids with the same hammer before killing himself with pills with the other part of the 'Butcher House' being a story from true crime that could come from anywhere even the child killing pedophile Albert Fish; who literally ate his victims as legend has it. It also begs of that childhood curiosity, I mean, who hasn't wanted to slip into that old abandoned house, who hasn't wanted to explore that abandoned since '56 house that no one's lived in since :D Either way I feel this series if anything tells a really good story. well done
    lynofbpool-61460 I figured this was a load of rubbish from the first one I watched, but gave it a 2nd, 3rd and even 4th try just in case I had happened to watch two stories based on real experiences, and maybe got a particularly bad episode or three. The first thing that jumped out at me and so obvious is... (pause for effect)...just seem to like...(pause for effect)...all the too perfectly placed pauses. If it's actors, playing the part of the supposed real people, as some like to point out, why not do what other shows do and have there faces blurred, or sat in front of a light etc many ways to hide your identity. The stories do not have any ring of truth whatsoever, they are all told in the same manner even when you remove the 'pause for effect' garbage. Then this disclaimer that appeared later in the series, oh dear! The most unconvincing of complete fakery trying to come across as slightly embellished truth if I've ever seen it. So I certainly do not need one reviewer trying to 'Let him explain...' I watch many of these shows, I realize they have to be embellished to hold interest but if these people such as in 'paranormal witness' and 'when ghosts attack' are telling their experiences as best they can, and let the production team add the fakery then fine, it's watchable, it's interesting, I've had these things happen too so I know they must happen to other people. But, as for ever telling us something is even loosely based on reality when it's complete garbage is plain wrong wrong wrong! OH I almost forgot, F.Y.I spoiler alert coming up=two young men go into a house they inherited, as soon as they walk in paranormal activity is happening within seconds, some time before this the uncle who was performing operations upstairs dies, he has been performing operations and had kept parts of innards in jars, on a table, covered with a cloth. NOW when somebody dies and the body is taken out, which from what was said was done by the state, even family, whatever...those jars would not, no way in hell, have been found by two young lads before anyone else. Also plenty more silly obvious mistakes that a child could point out.
    sndman-20129 I just finished watching a show I recorded earlier this evening. The title was "Dead Ringer." I have DIRECTV so when I hit the info button, one of the bits of information I get is the original airing date of thst particular show. As I said, it was recorded earlier tonight, July 25, 2015. After watching the main part of the show a message came on the screen saying "Seven Years Later." Well the events of the show were from late September, 2008 making seven years later...September, 2015. Hmmmm.... but the show was originally broadcast for the first time in July, 2015...a full two months before the show had its ending. Take it for what it is worth.