A Haunting
A Haunting
TV-PG | 28 October 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
    Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    AaronCapenBanner Surprisingly superb TV series first aired on the Discovery Channel and consistently offered atmospheric and eerie recreations of reputedly true cases of hauntings, which come in the form of both ghosts and demons. Every unsuspecting family or couple who move into a new house encounter increasingly sinister and hostile paranormal forces that compel them to seek the help of the Church and/or paranormal investigators, with varying degrees of success. Stylish direction & music creates a palpable feeling of menace and dread as events escalate in chilling fashion. Though always featuring re-enactments with on-camera interviews with the real life people, this approach still works, and results are better than you would expect from a "reality" series, of which this is the best contemporary version of by far, emulating earlier classic series like "In Search Of..." & "Unsolved Mysteries".
    mdawesome I first watched A Haunting when I was 10. It was the first season and I watched it with my Dad. After 2 years of amazing episodes it got canceled :(. I was hoping and hoping for longest time they would bring it back, and right when I lost hope, they brought it back. I have some things I need to point out, the fact that it doesn't air in Canada anymore is a real bummer. I have to either find a place to watch it online or buy the DVD's. I watched online and have bought DVD's (just ordered em today. Despite the horrible acting and cheesy effects in BLOOD VISIONS, i liked that season. Yes, they could have done better, but I am least grateful they brought it back, it's better than nothing you know! I particularly enjoyed The Exorcism of Cindy Sauer, Dark Dreams, and Angels and Demons. Those were by far the best episodes of the 5th season. Each episode has it's share of cheesy effects and some bad acting, but again, none of them come close to BLOOD VISIONS and let's be grateful they brought it back. I can't wait for the confirmed 6th season this fall!
    Greg This show is pretty good. It's forensic files with ghosts, possibly even the same narrator.Each episode is great, and despite the far fetched subject matter, manages to come off reasonably authentic. Even compared to a well made horror film, the dramatizations here are scary and suspenseful, and don't hesitate to make you jump. For dramatic effect, there are interviews with psychiatrists, priests, and psychics galore, involved in each case that help to give the story a little more credibility and suspend disbelief. It's really easy to just give in and believe all of these people and their stories.
    pavanneh I have to agree that sometimes the show gets a little hokey and you have to wonder why the "victims" call some of the people that they do to help. But, overall the show is great. There has been more than one episode that made my skin crawl and look over my shoulder. My family has experienced paranormal events and all I can say is there is more in this world than we normally see, touch and hear. I think that eventually we will have the technology needed to "see" these entities and to definitively find the other side. I also believe that there are people that are more sensitive to this type of activity at various times of their lives. Some people for all of their lives. This show does an excellent job of portraying this. Overall, a good show.