Counting Cars
Counting Cars
TV-14 | 13 August 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
    ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    benchseat The show was OK at best but has reached the point of being unwatchable. The whiny crew and created drama ruin what could have been a decent product. Watching them complain about the build time and supposed blunders got old really fast. If I had a crew that bitched as much as his do I would have fired them years ago and hired some professionals. Fast N' Loud and Misfit Garage are the same. Lame ass shows that had some excellent potential.
    O2D I will never understand why TV executives think that making fake reality shows is a good thing.Why even pretend it's real?Do they think that little of their viewers intelligence?Obviously, yes.They couldn't have found a lamer person to put on a TV show.Danny Koker used to be the host of one of those stupid Saturday night shows where they would play terrible old movies.He even had a stupid name, Count Cool Rider.It's clear he didn't make his millions from there, he must have inherited it.It's also obvious he didn't get rich from playing his terrible music.He's clearly another spoiled rich kid who bought a club so his talent-less band could have a place to play.Anyway, this show started out partially real but the History channel couldn't stand that so they had to ramp up the fakeness.It didn't get really bad until the season where they pretended that a bunch of semi-celebrities were their customers.It was the same thing that terrible pawn shop show did with one big difference, the pawn show was able to get people who were really famous while Counting Cars had to settle for people who were only famous because of who they were related to(Ziggy Marley, Barry White's wife, etc).After that season they went with a fully scripted show that is not entertaining at all.We live in a sad world when shows like this are not only popular but also on the "History" channel.Let's hope this gets cancelled soon.
    vito The show is fun ,Danny is the man he knows his cars better than anyone i know. His not a ripoff,he's more than fare at he work he does is magnificent can't say I've seen better a Scott knows his numbers Like Danny said.the rest of the guys are funny but there work is the best,they deserve to mess around a I've watched all the episodes at least twice. I don't get tiered of watching it..i don't have a car now,but I'm going to get one and its going to be from Danny here shortly I no mater what it takes, i hope he finds the car im looking for..keep doing your thing . I've seen Danny's car collection on the show,my God his cars are beautifully,magnificent I've would be in heaven if i just had one more than heaven
    abitonabiton01 That guy with the horns, yeah – horns and horny ha ha .. very funny but this gag got old the first time they used it. He's a great airbrush artist this guy, can't they show how he works instead of the stupid horny jokes all the time? There's some immigrant guy with an accent that cleans the cars or whatever it is that he does, that they made fun of in one of the shows, seriously? That is so stupid, why are you trying to "dumb down" the show? It's a shame. Danny tries to be "sly" and pretend like he isn't the big boss, and instead they brought some loud mouth that is pretending to be the guy who's running things – also dumb, who's brilliant idea it was to portray this guy as obnoxious I don't know, but it's really not smart and unpleasant to watch. Why not just be more natural? This show is really interesting when the guys are respectful and show the parts with the cars, but all those silly "sub plots" that they pretend that they're real, damn that is so annoying and makes this show that could have been awesome like "Pawn Stars" to slightly higher than mediocre, because Danny is great and the cars are great, change the rest if you really want to give your audience something good to watch.