Moonbeam City
Moonbeam City
TV-14 | 16 September 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
    GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
    filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    cprather-23748 I watched the entire season although some episodes weren't as good as others they were all pretty funny. The animation was excellent, I believe it got nominated because of it and the music was great as well and really fit into the theme. I've heard many people compare the show to archer but they are completely different shows with their own style of comedy and style and I personally believe that this one does a much better job at pacing there episodes than archer has. I feel like the show was just discovering who it was in the second half of the season. It really needed more episodes like episode five where it really shows you how funny it can be. Although it was canceled I would have really liked to see a second season.
    boomdart One can see the similarities between Archer and this show but one could also see the similarities in this show with every other show which uses failure as the theme such as The Venture Brothers, Frisky Dingo, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, or Always Sunny in Philadelphia to name a few.All of the characters are independently likable and unlikable as they are meant to be. The main characters of the show all show traits of inadequacy and incompetence in a fictitious world that seemingly doesn't know any better. Everyone in the show wishes to be unaccountable for their actions but there are times when they will admit their faults and give credit to the right person. Success is found in subtle short supply as expected in a show of this nature.The show uses 80's style featuring neon lights, lasers, music, and clothing with a very well done and unique artistic expression. It is as if the 80's never left us and this is how it could be in today's time. Mid-season you get an explanation as to why and how the world is this way. Throughout the entirety of the season we are presented with enough exposition and back stories to each character to give a strong starting point for a second season.I was hooked from the very first episode and found myself yearning for more. Having seen the 10th episode I assume it is the last of the season and have high hopes it will get another season.Why is this show not like Archer, you may be asking yourself. Archer is a worldwide known super spy with a large set of skills that make him one. Archer's attitude is as such because he is at the top of his career and feels that everyone should respect him without question due to that. Dazzle, the main protagonist in Moonbeam City, is a barely known or remembered city police officer with few if any skills who shamelessly promotes himself regardless of whether or not he is any good at what he does. Some might see relative attitudes from the other characters in the show but none of them share similar traits. The perceived similarities result in the positions of power people are in rather than the character they are acting as.
    Brian Umholtz I really, really wanted this to be good. Great stars are combined with a beautiful aesthetic. It has a "Metalocalypse" vibe to the character artwork and animation, and I love the send-up of 80s pseudo-haute design and buddy cop show serialization.The trouble is this: it's not funny. Guest stars like Adam West and Patrick Warburton help a bit, but the lines the main characters speak from episode to episode have a sort of disconnection to them. The plot of each episode seem like a good premise, but once it gets going, I'm disappointed. The shows just don't "pop". About 5 minutes into each one, I would say to myself, "Okay, this looks like this will be the one to hit its stride," and it just never happens.It feels like none of the actors were in the same studio at the same time to read when I watch Moonbeam City. I half expect Rob Lowe to just say, "Ann Perkins!" at some point. Will Forte is wasted here.. even the attempt to really develop his character in one episode feels half-hearted. However, Elizabeth Banks and Kate Mara both have moments throughout the series so far with Rob Lowe that make me pine for more- especially after the third episode.I'm very disappointed up to this point. I hope things change in season two because there are a lot of really good ingredients here. It would be a shame for the recipe to stay so bland.
    petarpetrovic-44931 Crazy 80's setting, neon artwork and a main character so dumb.. Well, dumb, and not really in a funny way.The fact it is voiced by famous actors gives it no bonus points, as it simply isn't fun or interesting.I give it a 3 simply for the ambiance, though the art is very crude and animation is pretty much non-existent. Fact of the matter is - it's just not good - unless you liked MacGruber - then jump right on board, for it's that kind of humor.The review was too short it seems - suffice to say I really didn't want to write anything else as there isn't much to say - dumb cop, kinda smart boss and kinda smart sidekick. Really incomparable to Archer - he's silly sometimes but not an idiot - this guy is just that and nothing more.3/10 only for the style/ambiance.