Minority Report
Minority Report
TV-14 | 21 September 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
    BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
    rikuriku-87175 I read a few comments on this website where people compared the TV version with the movie and commented that the TV version should stick with the same theme as the movie. I actually disagree. The movie talked about whether people should be arrested for crimes they haven't committed because future can be changed. The TV version discussed that as well but focused more on whether the world should sacrifice 3 people to save thousands. However, the entire TV version has nothing to do with the 'minority report'. This term only showed up in the last episode. So really, why spend a fortune buying the license when instead they can create a whole new story by altering the structure slightly. For people who watched the movie they actually had high hopes with the TV version continuing the movie;s plots. Well at least audiences would not be as negative if this TV series has a different name I guess. Two characters I dislike the most are Dash and Vega, but unfortunately they are the leading roles. Vega acted badly, or I guess they could have picked a better looking actress, whereas Dash's character was just plane stupid. There are too many weak spots in the plot as well. Examples: if Vega has the heat sensing technology why don't she use it more often? Sometimes Vega just forgotten that she has this function in her VR contact lens and put herself and her partner at risk in the crime scenes. She knew showing the octopus tattoo drawing in front of Blake would expose Dash and she still insisted on doing it. Dash is too arrogant, it's quite simple logic that if he lays low, he won't risk exposing himself, Arthur and Agatha, plus saving more lives in long term. But I guess he is too much of a good person that just has to save this next victim even if it means he'll get caught and won't be able to save the thousands of victims after he got caught and gets put to jail. If he is that worried about other people's life why don't he turn himself in and keep saving more people living in the milk bath? Even without the other two he could still help right, like he's been helping Vega? And at the end, he doesn't want to kill Blomfeld but he has to sacrifice Vega. While Blomfeld only works for money and Vega could save more lives doing her job, it's not a tough decision right?I had many questions in my mind while watching the TV series, but I did indeed watch all the episodes so I guess it's not that bad after all.
    Harun Karali When I heard that they were making an adaptation for Cruise's 2002 Science fiction, I was hyped, Then I heard that Fox was producing, And suddenly I had mixed feelings, Although Fox is known for making great science fiction, They do tend to cut the show before it gets to take off. E.g. Firefly, Almost Human etc.Law Enforcement getting help from civilians or even criminals seems to be quite the trend in TV shows these day e.g. Limitless,Blindspot,The Mentalist, The Blacklist etc. As the pattern continues with this series, As one of the three PreCogs is hidden amongst civilians trying to prevent crimes from occurring, however without his siblings, There is only so much he can do, As he is only one piece of the puzzle and it doesn't seem to be enough. Although this is produced by some serious names including Spielberg, It is a fairly weak adaptation, Especially when compared to the movie.Grade: F
    ericrnolan The first episode of television's "Minority Report" (2015) has all the bells and whistles of it 2002 cinematic source material, but little of its skilled storytelling. I'd rate it a 6 out of 10, and that probably reflects my positive bias connected with my love for the classic film.The show looks great — the special effects are well thought out, well rendered, and in abundance. Visually and in terms of its fictional technology, this is terrific way to revisit the future that was painstakingly envisioned for the fantastic movie. The show is an earnest follow-up, too; you can tell that the writers respect the film and were reaching for its unique vibe and its fast-paced suspense.Regrettably, the pilot here just doesn't suggest that this will be an unusually good show. The writing and directing are average, at best, and some of the acting is downright poor. A hastily conceived plot features one of the movie's plot-driving psychic "precogs" rushing to intervene in future murders, which he can still predict, like some kind of lone, nonviolent, pre-emptive vigilante. A cheesy covert partnership develops between him and a tough-and-sassy-but- sexy, single, female cop. And blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Cue the bad dialogue. I honestly think my friends and I could have come up with something better than that.Oh well. It can't all be "A" material. At least, that's what I've been telling people who bitch about my jokes on Facebook. And this was just the pilot — maybe the show will get better.
    JC D The show had such potential, but ruined with a few critical factors. I highly doubt it will be renewed, unless they make some serious changes. While the CGI effects are nice, the scripts are just okay, but most importantly - the show is POORLY cast. The main actress, Meagan Good, is difficult to stand, or to look at, for an entire hour. She suffers from severe "reșṯïng-bïṯch" face. That șour-půșs she touts around screams of perpetual disgust, or ingrain hatred, as if someone dumped a huge steaming pile-of-șhïṯ on her face right before each scene. Hardly the projected attitude you'd expect from a nobody actress clearly desperate to polish her plethora of talentless shows on her resume. Cast her in something more down her alley, like: Empire, Orange Is the New Black, or Scream Queens. If Minority Report is to continue, and be successful, replace her immediately . . .
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