Line of Duty
Line of Duty
TV-MA | 26 June 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    qui_j The first few episodes in Series 1 were really good but by episode 4, the writer seemed to have lost the plot and started to develop ridiculous situations that were beyond fantasy. This was not helped by miscasting. What holds the viewers attention is not the plot but more the private lives of the characters. The lead actor is not a physically imposing personality, and one just keeps wanting to put him in his pajamas and send him off to bed! I'm not saying it's not watchable, it's just not that great!
    zenaidemed Counting:season 3 and then 4.I've hunted seasons1 and 2. loved so much!I've read there were 35 episodes.
    akwonghuynh Standard crime procedurals follow a formula. 1. Find bad guy 2. Build up bad guy 3. Quickly wrap up the ending and catch bad guy because the episode is closing on the end time. We're all used to seeing that, that we don't have the time to appreciate the characters and villains.Line of Duty, this one I stumbled on Netflix. The premise didn't sound that exciting to me at first, I mean it was about internal affiars, "how exciting could that be?" I asked. And boy was I happy to be wrong. I hadn't binged watched a TV show since I was introduced to "Person of Interest".Instead of one episode being about one "villain", rather it's a whole season for one "villain". And no season is the same, which is another good thing. So we are treated to an entire season where the target of the Internal Affairs Officers are fleshed out. First you're wary of the target, then you become sympathetic, then your wary again! But something else happens and now you're even more sympathetic. And on and on it goes until the final climax that has your eyebrows rising bast your hairline, and your jaw on the floor. Okay, I'm hyping it up excessively here so be careful. But the point is that this show takes the time and effort to flesh out everyone. The targets aren't just "mwahahaha, I'm an evil psycopath" or "I did it for revenge!" cliches that are littered in crime procedurals. They are very human characters that you might even become attached to.Definitely worth a watch.
    profdavidclark The first two series were simply brilliant. The later part of the third series, in particular the last episode, were poor... in fact, unbelievable. I cannot believe how bad Series 4 is and I am struggling to get past Episode 3. It is contrived, unbelievable and quite simply dire rubbish. Jed Mercurio has completely lost the plot, putting people in impossible positions and then just having them magic themselves out of it. There is a police interview in Episode 3 which is just laughable... why would the police do what they did when they know the police tapes will be heard? They would end up in court themselves. What I can't understand is why the actors, production team couldn't see how bad this last series is... and somehow or other, many audience think it is great. No wonder the world is having problems!