Human Target
Human Target
TV-14 | 15 January 2010 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
    fast-giga This TV show is cut in half like no other. It wasn't very successful in the first season, so they changed all which was good and replaced it with absolute crap.The first season is really good. Interesting characters, interesting, to some degree even unpredictable stories. Good action, and a very healthy mixture of humor and action. Not too funny to be ridicules and not to try-hard serious at the same time.The 2nd season is unwatchable. Every single scene with the Ilsa character induces brain bleeding and the certain wish of their cruelsome death. Its the same every single time: Team does something scary, dangerous or illegal Ilsa: 'Oh no, you cant to that, thats scary/dangerous/illegal.' One of the team: 'But this is the only way, because of reasons.' Ilsa: 'Oh. OK, I still don't like it, this is the last time you do such scary/dangerous/illegal thing.' 5 mins later, repeat.Many TV shows undergo a certain amount of changes to find the perfect mixture, which is understandable. The producers of this one just wanted to skip such a lengthy process and instead of taking small steps to see how it turns out they changed the very fundamentals of the series from one moment to the next.I would've wished for another seasons like the first one, but after the 2nd I'm glad is over.
    oldbill It comes as no surprise this show, which started out wonderfully in its first season, was axed after its disastrous second year.The introduction of a new female over-boss and a perky female squad member was badly conceived, and in the case of the new boss, horribly miscast. It left all three male cast members frankly "nipped" and essentially useless while adding nothing. This left the show drained of its free-wheeling action. It reminds me of the similarly disastrous changes to the old TV show Buck Rodgers (Gil Gerrard). The real stars were left with nothing to do but watch the non-essential characters doing largely uninteresting things. Don't mess with success!
    jonathangetz This review will be brief. Human Target is a show that has good acting and a good story line. It has enough action to be a movie, and that makes the show a keeper. I'm not sure what it takes to keep a show like this on the air, but it has been one of my favorite TV series ever. Christopher Chance, the main character, was a professional assassin, and is now a bodyguard for hire. The past of the team is used to easily write new episodes, and keeps the show from exhausting ideas for story lines. Like other reviews have said, Christopher Chance is a great mix between James Bond and Jason Bourne. This movie is not 100% action though. Human Target also has comedy and some romance intertwined.
    ssvfolder-1 Everything in this show screams - It's cool. From the cast, to the characters and to their profession. In any case the general plot of this series is a small team of ex-assassins switched sides to help the victims of assassinations. Chase is the alternate indestructible version of 007. Vince is a father figure, with comic remarks and Guerro is the best manic sociopath who is incredible at what he does, which is get information, while intimidating people and inferior only to Chase himself. For some reason they decided to add female character in second season as Guerro's side kick. This definitely spoiled the show for me. Other second season problem is that they decided to back them with infinite financial backup in a form of software tycoon widow, who got saved by Chase, and decides to purchase the company, while meddling in their affairs afterwards. Why oh why did they decide to ruin this great "guys" show?! I felt it was good the way it was the first season. In any case, worth to watch for now.
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