TV-MA | 04 October 2012 (USA)

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    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    bikemat EP1- Pregnant woman kills FIVE, count'em FIVE armed guys trying to kill her. Couple episodes later she is fighting the guy with a scar on his face and almost beats his ass royally. In a later episode, faceless guy steps out in front of her, pins her to the ground by straddling her and then sticks a needle in her eye, and she doesn't move a muscle to fight back. At the Turner household, she manages to move around the house by hiding behind doors, and always conveniently finding a cubby (in the sub basement) or wall to hind behind while everyone walks past her. Poor Peripheral vision must run rampant in the Turner family. At the museum with whoever that guy was, she spots scarface, she grabs the prof, then run out side passed Aiden who has a gun and waits for Scarface to turn the corner. Scarface is smarter than that and shows up at opposite end of alley. JESUS H. CHRIST--not one of them look behind them to see if anyone is there, and Scarface shoots the prof. AAAAARRRGH!! This is the stuff that drives me nuts. No continuity or consistency. If I had watched this show one episode a week, I don't think I'd be as critical. But when you binge watch shows like this, you remember more and pick up on little things like this.I'm still giving it a 7 because I think it's still a pretty good show. I don't get where other reviewers say young teens would like this show. Who the heck are they relating too?? I keep repeating to myself "It's just a show (or movie) it's in the script" that's my IMDB mantra.
    grantss A so-so series.Started very well. Engaging and highly intriguing. Melissa George worked well in the lead role and the supporting cast were good too.However, the novelty wore off quite quickly.Soon became intrigue and twists for intrigue- and twists-sake. The plot seemed to resemble other espionage series, eg Alias. Plus, too much random killing - not that I have an issue with graphic violence in TV/movies but here it just seemed gratuitous. The final few episodes made it worth while, to an extent, in the end, as everything came together. Was a bit of a slog in the middle though.
    desireb83 Love the show. Keeps me guessing, I would really like to see more can anyone tell me if more is to come. I keep looking but nothing not. Please let me know. It kind of left me hanging with what's going to happen next. Please I need more. That was in 2012 Now it's 2014 I need to know the ending. Why wasn't the next season made it's not like it was not great! Cause it was really worth it. I mean really worth watching back to back. If not on Cinemax go to Netflix and but out the next season that's how much I need to see this show. I need to know what happen with the little to boy. Great love scenes. It's really hard to find good series like this one "Hunted" gave you a reason to wanted to stay up late in watch T.V.
    eastbergholt2002 Given some of the poor reviews, I just had to say that I really enjoyed this series. It was complicated and you were never sure what was going on, but I had a good time. It was a little frustrated that too many issues were left unresolved, however the writer also worked on the X Files, so perhaps that was to be expected. Usually British thrillers are a little too slow for my taste, but this moved at a brisk pace. The heroine was likable and so were most of her colleagues. What I found interesting is that loyalty is becoming a thing of the past. I have been in corporations where you can't trust anyone and everyone has an obscure agenda. Working for yourself is probably the only answer. I have actually completed large power projects in India, and my company did look at doing business in Pakistan in the 1990s. Despite the accusation in the show that multi-nationals were ripping off the poor people in Pakistan, the reality has been that most Western banks and companies won't touch the country with a ten foot barge pole. There are easier and less corrupt places in the world to do business. Pakistan's infrastructure is poor partly because Western companies won't invest. A colleague visited Karachi in the 1990s and had a couple of bodyguards meet him at the airport. He then watched a riot take place outside his hotel. Life is too short for this nonsense. Also, the Pakistanis would hire an investment bank to handle the auction. They give you the opportunity to increase your bid. If it's too low, they will provide guidance. They are trying to get the highest rice for their client and the process rules tends to go out of the window. That said, who really cares.