True Justice
True Justice
TV-MA | 06 July 2011 (USA)

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    TinsHeadline Touches You
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    lovettstough I like Steven Seagal. I met him while I was in the U.S. MARINES during doing cold weather training up in Alaska. I like pretty much all his movies. This is a great show very well done & scripted. I wish they were still doing it or that Netflix or Hulu or somebody like that would start making it again. It reminds me a lot of CHICAGO P.D. with Hank Voight. As Hank said in CHICAGO P.D. once you need some cops like him to take the truly really evil dangerous criminals off the street & out of this world for good in one fell swoop or else nothing is going to change. I really believe this & I am not a republican or conservative or anything from the right. Steven Seagal character & his team remind me a lot of CHICAGO P.D. & Hank Voight & his team. I'm so glad I can at least watch it on NETFLIX now from the beginning up to the end where it was cancelled or whatever. As I said I wish one of the streaming services would pick it up & start up filming it again with new episodes.
    MrBlondNYC Steven Seagal had so much fun being a real fake cop on "Lawman", he became a fake fake cop on "True Justice". Steven Seagal plays Steven Seagal's version of Steven Seagal. He's the smartest guy in the room, the sexiest man in America, the best martial artist in the world. Of course, he is. He's Steven Seagal! He's a Seattle cop who talks like he's from New Orleans, looks like he's from Hollywood, and moves like he's from "Zombieland". He leads a special team called the Central Casting Squad. They look up to him for some reason while he mumbles orders at them. In his spare time, he practices waving his samurai sword around. He so respects the way of the samurai that he got his hair cut like "Samurai Jack". Every episode is written by Steven Seagal's favorite writer: Steven Seagal. Oh, and one of the squad members has a droopy eye and is played by an actor credited as "Big Sleeps". Mr. Sleeps is the third-best actor to play a droopy-eyed detective on TV. (#1 is Forest Whitaker, #2 is Droopy Dog). If you love Steven Seagal - and how could you not? - you'll love this show.
    The_Breasts_of_Kat_Dennings True Justice in my opinion as it is in most people's view, is probably regarded as second to maybe The Wire as one of the greatest shows on television. True Justice is not just a cop show either, just like The Wire. In True Justice you see politics, family issues, sexuality, and many other hard hitting topics that The Wire covers. I was lucky enough to watch True Justice on a 40" HDTV and slowly made my way through the vice and darkness that surrounds the show and its characters. All I can really say is The Wire has only barely just topped True Justice in my opinion as a hard hitting gritty show. Both are almost fully fair in greatness, if not for The Wire beating the other by an inch. Through True Justice, you are tagging along on a journey with Steven Seagal and his team, through some harrowing and disturbing stories to the finale of this amazing show. Just as the The Wire is considered to be an analysis of society, I believe True Justice is too more so through the police but you still see both sides of the same argument from the political and criminal side too. As each season passes and new ones open, we are left with many questions, awaiting answers. We await retribution, vengeance, and just deserves but we keep watching as it it so addictive. True Justice barely scrapes the top of the world of policing, especially in a city like Seattle, but it does a good job and comes close to the scale The Wire takes on. Tear jerking acting, top-notch plots and directing. True Justice to me and many others is right up there next to The Wire.
    lee nicholson (dolemite72) Another month another Seagal release. Which wouldn't be a bad thing, except that 'Deadly Crossing', is in fact, a two episode compilation of Sensei's latest TV show 'True Justice' (Which although a bit of a con, may either gain interest, or warn off potential viewers) Sadly to say, i don't think it'll gain Seagal any new fans, but the (ever-forgiving) die-hard Seagal buffs, may find something to enjoy here.Seagal stars as Elijah Kane, head of a Seattle unit of undercover cops, that use 'Unconventional methods' (Tm) to take down various bad guys (usually Russians) from Crimes (usually drug deals) in a variety of 'glitzy' locations (usually strip clubs) The plot (already hard to follow, due to the fact that it's been edited from two 'open-and-shut' episodes to resemble one full case) is strained even further, by not giving Seagal enough screen-time and instead concentrating on secondary characters (who mostly resemble 'Sunset Beach' rejects) Seagal looks in OK shape (we've seen him look heavier) but seems to constantly doubled in any shot that shows him from behind (i'm not entirely sure why this is?) But there's no audio dubbing of his voice. The other actors (as mentioned) seem more like 'models' and 'clothes pegs' rather than characters...but Seagal interacts OK with them.Now being a TV show (and more importantly not a H.B.O TV show) the profanity and nudity is non-existent The fight scenes (despite the expected 'erratic' shaky-cam) still contain a few 'trademark' Seagal moves, but lack the brutality of recent fare (like Driven To Kill or A Dangerous Man) Some of the more basic stuff looks doubled, yet more of the better moves are Seagal (he even throws a kick or two) but rarely does any scene last longer than a few frames (fights or otherwise) One plus point, is that the production values of this show looks more professional than some of Seagals movies (of late) The one big annoyance being the whole 'sped-up' and 'Fast Zoom' camera techniques, that punctuate the beginning of nearly every scene (seriously guys....move on, 'Nypd Blue' finished years ago) Any fans expecting this show to be a C.S.I rival, can think again. The plot occasionally has a bit of police procedure and cop-lingo.....but little running time goes into solving the case, other than receiving tip offs, or being at the right time at the right place. Hopefully, this show will have more genuine 'detective' work, if it intends to have a second season.As a whole, 'Deadly Crossing' should have been released in a £5 price bracket, as it's not a genuine movie, yet is rather misleadingly advertised as one. Casual punters paying full price for a TV show, may resent and unjustifiably overlook any future projects, due to feeling shortchanged with this one. Optimum DVD (who seem to be releasing most of Seagals recent offerings) don't even offer up a trailer (despite a trailer actually existing) and the cover art features 'Helicopters and explosions' (very 'Out For A Kill') despite the fact that none are featured in the movie.After the (dissapointing) Born To Raise Hell, this release is a misleading misfire, and it's deception/pretension of being perceived as a genuine release, won't win any Seagal new fans (nor help drum up any interest in future stuff) I'd have sooner Seagal knocked out a genuine 'quickie' dtv movie, than to follow up 'Machete' with a TV show (but hey, i guess these decisions are way out of his hands) Big Lee gives this movie 6 (and a half) out of 10