Thunder in Paradise
Thunder in Paradise
| 25 March 1994 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
    Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
    Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
    videogoat I saw a few episodes of this series back in '94;I said it then, I'll say it again- this is the first time I've seen a boat out-act the two leads! Corny dialogue, clunky set ups (I guess they were trying to get a hit series ala Knight Rider), preposterous plots- yep, this series has it all. If you're trying to watch this as a so-bad-it's-good series (like Baywatch Nights), you will come up sadly short in this arena as well. Look elsewhere for guilty pleasures.
    JaydoDre I really liked this show as a kid. You have to understand the context. Thunder in Paradise was not about the acting. Hulk Hogan can't act very well. He is not terrible, since all wrestlers get experience in acting, but Hulk has never risen above the wrestling-level of acting.However, this show did combine a number of things that could really appeal to a boy living in the cold North:1. The paradise. The blue water and palms sent you away from your rainy hometown on a little vacation. It's similar in effect to reading travel magazines or watching travel shows.2. The boat, Thunder. It is awesome! It looked like a cooler version of the F117 stealth bomber. It had mini-guns and missiles and other spaceship tech. The show used computer generated effects for the boat transformations that even today look kind of OK. This thing was the true star of the show that kept me hooked.3. The theme song. This has a lot to do with point 1 on this list. The holiday-themed song just helped transfer you to that vacation setting.Thunder in Paradise was a colorful show. Blue water, green palms, orange explosions, etcetera. It was not about the acting or camera work or plot. The fact that it was silly only underlined the happy attitude it was going for.If you were an adult when this show started playing, and especially if you were an adult living in a warm country, then I can see how you would not enjoy this show because it is not of the highest quality.
    sarena20001 i never missed an episode yes it was a bit corny but not back then ! i have been a wresting fan since i was 4 i love hulk hogan and never missed any of his movies or the Saturday morning cartoon when i was younger. when i herd he was coming out with a TV show i didn't care what people said. watching thunder took me to a place where i had no worries and i never miss my hottie sting i was and still am his #1 fan. so what the line were corning and a boat that could talk, what about a talking car every one thought that was cool!come on now the people who said the show wasn't cool, i bet they run home just like the rest of us , sat down with a cold drink and some popcorn and watched the show, you know who you are :) if it was still on yes i would watch it i would even tape it hey I'm even looking for all episode's on DVD i would love to watch hogan trying to escape from anther one of hammer heads (a.k.a sting)traps!as carrlito cool says "that was cool"
    SwatchDog 1994 saw a variety of original, inspired and entertaining television programmes coming to air, such as Margaret Cho's shortlived but acclaimed "All-American Girl", Australia's popular "Blue Heelers" and "Heartbreak High", cult sci-fi series "Babylon 5", medical drama "E.R.", shortlived prime-time drama "Models Inc" and of course the sitcom "Friends". However, with all things good, there must be at least one bad! 1994 also saw the introduction of quite a few barrel-rotting apples but thankfully in most cases their respective networks killed them off before any serious damage was caused.I'm talking about Thunder in Paradise here. A show with horrible production values, cheesy music of a vomitus nature, unintentionally funny dialogue, and to top it off Hulk Hogan.Seven years after it's US debut, THUNDER IN PARADISE made it's premiere in Australia last night at 2:30 am with the two-part pilot episode. For some strange reason I lasted the whole two-hours, laughing at the ridiculous submarine, the trashy actors, the corny one-liners and misadventures of Hogan's characters.In the first part Hulk and his partner save two people from a Cuban village via the use of a remote controlled jet-ski. Hilarious, but not as funny as the happy (and somewhat constipated) expression on the faces of these poor escapees when they're supposed to be afraid. Part 2 concerns Hulk getting married (yes, the show is unrealistic if you hadn't figured it out yet). Robin Weisman (whom you may recognize as the "little lady" from Three Men and a Little Lady) stars in this episode as Hogan's stepdaughter. There was one scene where Hogan kills a shark and makes sick jokes about it to her (using it like a puppet and saying things that could seriously inspire years of nightmares). I don't find anything funny about finding a license plate inside the stomach of a shark and making sick jokes about it (Hogan: "Must've been a small car! HAHA"). The pilot hits it's ultimate low when Hogan finds a valuable necklace inside the shark and places it around his stepdaughter's neck (without washing it or anything). Then we meet some goofy jewel thieves who are after the necklace. There's a ridiculous kidnapping, funny scene involving Hogan climbing a palm tree and of course true love. So very cheesy. Carol Alt (Amazon) also co-stars as a scantily-clad female bartender. She can certainly do better than this.So far I've only seen the first two episodes of this clunker and I'm ashamed to say I probably will tune into the rest if they air. Thunder in Paradise is another one of those guilty pleasures taken away in the prime of it's youth to prevent serious damage (especially to the actor's careers).