TV-14 | 17 September 2013 (USA)

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    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    Taylor Kingston I really enjoyed this show. I thought it was one of the best new comedies from the 2013 - 2014 schedule, but sadly, not everyone thought this, as the show was cancelled after only one season. I thought the cast was so hilarious and I was really sad to see it go.This show is basically about Dads, hence the title of the show. Eli and Warner work together and are best friends. But their lives are turned upside down when their Fathers come to live with them. The Fathers and sons go through a lot over the season, and there are some very heartwarming times.Overall, I give this TV show an 8 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Awesome.
    FlushingCaps Tonight I watched what I believe to be the absolute worst sitcom I have ever seen. I love comedy shows and have thousands of episodes of several dozen different series to prove it. This show was more idiotic than any AND it was offensive. To top it off, they either had an audience full of drunks or were liberally using a laugh track. In the first couple of minutes of this Feb. 4 episode I heard the audience laughing several times at lines that were not the least bit funny.The plot dealt with a stereotype Mafioso coming in to the company that designs video games and in a few hours he ran through all they needed to make a successful new game, including a lead cartoon character.One of the early laughs (from the audience/laugh track, certainly not from me) was when the Mafia guy met one of the partners in the company, a short man with a full beard and asked, "What are you, in kindergarten?" Does it make any sense that he would think someone with a full beard is about 5 years old? Of course not! But that laugh track whooped it up.The cast seemed packed with stereotypical characters including one obnoxious man who seemed compelled to yell out, whenever the word "God" was spoken, "There is no God!" The Mafia guy refused to be paid with a check, so he agreed to take no money, with their promise to do him a favor some time. Five seconds after walking away he returned, asking for his favor. He wanted them to play cards with him.The one partner is seen with few chips while the Mafia guy has a boatload that he puts into the pot. The partner decides to wager the entire store vs. the money on the table. Never mind how this doesn't fit the usual rules of poker, nor how he could hardly wager away his partner's share of the business. Forget about how stupid one would be to bet so much. We all knew he would lose, just as surely as almost every lame punchline in the entire show was easily predictable.Then we see him waking up in bed next to his wife (I guess) and is relieved to find out it was just a dream. But, we the viewer have been tricked. When a scene leads to someone in it waking up, that is supposed to mean it was a dream. But here, it was real, we just suddenly shifted to him waking up and thinking he had a dream.Suddenly the Mafia guy has taken over the entire store, including all operations of the partner with whom he won no bet. He has put in a stripper pole and is quickly making it into all the stereotype operations that mobsters are reported to do. When challenged by the partner who lost the bet, he goes to "take him for a ride." I hope I don't spoil the "surprise" ending by revealing that he doesn't actually kill anyone, but he does threaten to do so to someone else, via the computer.The show was full of the lamest one-liners, clichés, stereotype characters, offensive language, offensive themes, offensive characters—I hated the idiot who kept yelling "There is no God!" I've always enjoyed Martin Mull, but in this episode he seemed to be given almost nothing to do, except sit in the background and say almost nothing.Even if I live to be 200 years old, I will believe that life is too short to waste another half hour of my life watching this miserable excuse for a TV comedy.
    davewebb-919-660231 just a simple silly show that gives a laugh or two hope it is not canceled. no hidden message or agenda in this show take it as it is reminds me of how married with children was in the beginning. hope the show stays compared to what is out there it is good enough to stay on. with all he reality shows and junk on TV it is a relief for there to be some shows that are not politically correct.which to me is refreshing. yes the laugh tracks are a bit much but with all the simple minded people who tweet and believe everything online they need to be reminded when to laugh. so take the show as i is simple and enjoyable for 30 minutes. also martin mull really helps and the character Edna needs a little more lines.
    njays First let me say that I am a huge fan of Macfarlane's Family Guy. Maybe I am a bit tainted but frankly I think that I would like to give this show a bit of a lead and watch a few more episodes. It is obvious that many of the bad reviews posted were the result of the pilot episode. I watched that episode as well and was more than a bit underwhelmed. However, I just finished watching episode 5 and am having a hard time coming down! That episode was hysterical!. I didn't have the opportunity to watch episodes 2 thru 4 thinking I wasn't missing much but now I will use my "On Demand" and get caught up in a hurry. The first thing that struck me was the announcement at the top of the show that it was filmed in front of a live audience. Secondly, MacFarlane's humor was quite evident. This episode could have easily been transposed to a very funny Family Guy moment! Perhaps Seth found it necessary to make his presence known a bit more? Perhaps not? But in any event, I do look forward to getting caught up. If only to see if episode 5 was a fluke!