Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
| 16 October 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
    Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
    Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Trey B Within the first five minutes of the pilot it's apparent that this series is a goner. Writers are clearly trying to seem cutting edge but end up digging a hole. Jokes (if you want to call them that) are few and far between, but the laughs are expected - awkward. The biggest flop of NBC history, and that's saying something. NBC needs to get it together in the comedy spectrum and stop producing shows based off strictly money deals and relationships. It hasn't worked for years now. Get the funny people in, and the washed up deals out. This show is a hodgepodge of an attempt to remain relevant. Which is pretty ridiculous, considering the out of touch casting choices. I'll be waiting for a good comedy to come through like the old NBC shows. It's only up from here!
    atlasmb "Truth Be Told" is a comedy series that centers on the lives of two married couples who are neighbors. One is a black couple and the other is a white guy and his so-called "ethnically ambiguous" wife. Although the show makes some observations about racial situations, that does not seem to be the focus of the show in the first two episodes. And when race is the topic, it is not so much a discussion as a lecture by the black friend who is given authority in that area.The main topic is about gender and navigating marriage from the perspective of men vs. women. This theme is all about trust. Should women trust men (because men are probably untrustworthy)? Knowing that women distrust them, how should the men behave (because wives have insecurities and lay traps for husbands)? What is the best way for a wife to steer her husband's behavior where she wants it to go without him realizing she is driving?To some degree, there is a war of manipulation. This could be a rich topic for humor, but the humor in "Truth Be Told" is fairly predictable and flat.In discussions that involve both couples, I notice that the two men usually talk to each other and the two women usually discuss matters without the men. Compare this to some other comedies that are classics: In "Seinfeld", Elaine is like one of the guys and the men talk with her in the same way and as much as they talk with each other. In "Frasier", Roz and Daphne are integrated into the ensemble, not a separate gender entity. And in "Friends", the six friends may have their "gal pals" and "best buddies", but the six continuously interact in every possible combination and love equally beyond gender lines."Truth Be Told" is a lukewarm offering at best. Personally, I prefer "Bad Judge", which also included Tone Bell in its cast.
    dscaulfield Not funny at all. Awful Not entertaining and could not finish watching the first episode it was that bad. Poor acting and hard to understand some of the words due to rapid speech. Vote NO on this show. Not funny Understood the point of old married couple explaining to newer couple and giving them advice their experience. Didn't work! Please come up with something better. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. The chemistry was not there. Seemed forced and so fake. Not natural. Poor acting. Resting this was not funny at all. Truly not entertaining. Fake forced bad. Just didn't go over as natural and things seemed very fake just like forcing it not natural and bad acting. Nothing good to say about it. Sorry
    Catholic Mom I love the humor and banter between the main characters! The situation comedy regarding racial issues is really funny and light-hearted, a refreshing break from all the rampant, racial hate today. But why ruin all the fun with raunchy, unrealistic sexual situations? Why is it considered comedy that a married man watches porn when 90+% of married people would NOT find that OK? And what father would seriously hire a babysitter that does porn on the side, and not tell his wife that crucial detail, just for the sake of a night out on the town? How is it funny that the mother of a 2-year-old would think it amusing that her husband is actually attracted to the babysitter? And seriously, if the babysitter actually DOES porn on the side, do you really think she even NEEDS that babysitting job? Years before Friends and Seinfeld I came to the conclusion that Prime Time no longer provides acceptable entertainment for children under 18. Thank goodness for DVR's and Andy Griffith! Ha! I get that! It is what it is! But we adults should still be able to enjoy Prime Time adult humor, even sexual humor, without the distortion of sexual-reality -- correction -- sexual-reality for 90+% of the population outside of Hollywood.Truth Be Told has the potential to be a great show. But seven minutes into it, my husband asked if we could watch something else. I enjoyed the cast so much that I finished watching it after he went to bed, wanting to give it a chance. But it just got worse; even the consistent hilarious banter couldn't keep me from canceling my season pass.Sad face.