Peter Kay's Car Share
Peter Kay's Car Share
| 29 April 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    gorrd-1 I first watched on i-player and thought it was brilliant, Then watched the complete series and was so impressed . the characters work so well together and the whole scenario is so true to life. Hope this returns . The two main characters were really convincing in their portrayal of a couple of strangers brought together in a car share. I thought the episode with the fishmonger on his way to work was brilliant - just how people react in reality. I liked the way the series ended too , no happy ever after ending but just how things usually pan out and also leaves one with the thought that there may be the possibility of another series
    Pithyoneliner A return to form for Peter Kay, and I was pleasantly surprised by his costar Sian Gibson who held her own.Car Share rates as the best new British Comedy of 2015, building into an unlikely romance - two ordinary Co-op (?) employees finding each other on the daily commute. Filled with subtle throw-away gags, many hidden in the scenery or soundtrack and the occasional surreal daydream the whole effect is adorable and heartwarming! Can't wait for the US remake with some better looking stars - Ashton Kutcher & Jennifer Anniston perhaps?Perhaps leave this one to the Lancastrians...
    SnoosReviews A feel good, refreshing comedy.I have been a huge fan of Peter Kay since his 'Top of The Tower' stand up days, Phoenix Nights is comedy gold in my eyes and Max and Paddy was a solid spin off to that. Car Share is his latest 6 piece comedy show and it is vintage Peter Kay!Peter Kay plays a manager at a Supermarket; his company have introduced a car share scheme and Peter matches up with a woman from the promotions team.The episodes are 30 minutes each and are evenly split, the first 15 minutes are the trip to work and final 15 minutes are the return home. Pretty much the entire show is shot in the car and simply follows them on their work commute and their every day; general conversations with each episode will have a vague backdrop story, a general topic of conversation. The episodes link on loosely and give the impression that the episodes are spread out over weeks at a time as many personal situations change and their relationship develops.The on screen chemistry of Peter Kay and Sian Foulkes is completely perfect, they bounce of each other in such a way that you would see them as a married couple. They are hilarious together, their style and approach are almost identical and they complement each other faultlessly.Through all the laughs and silliness of the show, it does manager to reach out to the viewer, offering some emotional, touching moments. Even with a mere 6 episodes, the characters are developed and the chemistry of the two actors is developed very well.My negatives would be that I didn't like the musical animated scenes in the middle of the episodes. I didn't really get them at all. It was also disappointing to see that there were only 6 episodes, with the series ending in a way that I don't see a second series being made.10/10
    Jackson Booth-Millard Peter Kay has written and directed many successful British situation comedy series, from Phoenix Night to Max & Paddy's Road to Nowhere, I was hoping for something good with this new series he brought us, and he did not disappoint. Basically a major supermarket has suggested a car share scheme for the workers to save on staff parking spaces at the store. This scheme brings together John (Peter Kay), a level headed Assistant Manager, and Kayleigh (Sian Foulkes), a ditsy Promotions Rep, day by day he picks up from her house and they drive the out-of-town journey to the store they work. Each journey they fill the awkward silences with talk of their lives, current events and media, and sometimes embarrassing incidents occur on the way, and also they are accompanied along the way by the catchy and enjoyable tunes, daft competitions and repetitive adverts of Forever FM on the car radio. The action most of each half hour episode takes place in the car, only stopping to get in at the start of the journey, stop arriving at the supermarket, re-entering to go home, and stopping for drop-off, they only occasionally get out to stop along the way, but also episodes see John or Kayleigh hearing a particular song play on the radio, and they will imagine themselves in a music video scenario miming along to the song. It is obvious as well, that despite sometimes having daft disagreements and sometimes misunderstandings, John and Kayleigh become good friends in the car journeys, and both being single, John not looking and Kayleigh keeping options open, it is possible that they may have held-in feelings as well, especially by the last episode. Also starring Danny Swarsbrick as Ted 2 and Reese Shearsmith as Ray. Kay as the down-to-earth man driving with a sense of humour is very likable, and Foulkes is very talkative and slightly annoying, but at the same very lovable, together they are a perfect at first awkward but perfect couple as they talk and laugh with each other in each journey, a simple but brilliantly written and played out comedy sitcom. Very good!
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